Part 6: Meet Dr. Fredrick

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"Can we please just drop the subject?" I begged the next morning at breakfast. I was getting really frustrated now that they knew all of my secrets.

"Sure love." Niall smiles at me.

"What time do we have to leave?" I ask, keeping my head down.

"Uhhh..." Liam trails off, looking around the table for help.

"Forty-five minutes I think." Zayn answers. I nod, pushing my plate away while doing so.

"You done?" Harry questions, a concerned look growing on all of their faces.

"Yeah." I reply. I walk upstairs into my bathroom.

I take a quick shower and go into my closet. I pull on a pair of ripped jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and my sneakers. I put my hair into a braid down my back as I normally did. I still had fifteen minutes to kill. My eyes flicker across the room to the door leading to my bathroom. I run inside looking for my razor. Dang it! They must have taken it while I was asleep. Smart noodles.

I walk downstairs pulling on my jacket ten minutes later. "Ready?" Louis asks.

"Do I have a choice?" I respond, looking up at the MUCH taller boy. Louis sighs grabbing a set of keys.

"LADS WE'RE LEAVING NOW! IF YOU WANT TO LIVE I SUGGEST YOU GET YOUR BUTTS IN THE CAR!" Louis screams. I let out a laugh as we walk outside to the car. I jump into the back. The boys pile in, along with Danny.

"What are we going to do while we wait?" Niall leans forward in his seat.

"I don't know. There is such thing as the park." Louis tells him. "I can drop you guys off there when it's time to get Allison and bring her back so we can have lunch there."

"Yeah!" Liam cheers. I stay silent the whole ride, not really wanting to talk. I wasn't in the mood for this. It takes about fifteen minutes until we get to the building.

"You can wait here." Louis suggests.

"Good, cause we weren't coming in." Zayn tosses a ball across the car. The boys and Danny were deep into a game with a squishy ball. Louis and I get out of the car and walk inside. I didn't pay attention to anything. We wait for five minutes until it's time to go in.

"Hi!" The WAY too perky man behind the desk chirps. He gets up walking over to us.

"Hello." Louis gives a slight wave. 

"I'm Dr. Fredrick, and you are?" He holds a hand out to me, expecting me to shake it.

"If I'm your patient, shouldn't you know what my name is?" I raise an eyebrow at him. Louis slaps his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.

"Fair point." Dr. Fredrick shrugs. I smirk.

"I'm picking her up in an hour, yeah?" Louis asks as I start to look around the room. There was a wall of just windows, a huge bookshelf, boxes with age markings on them, Dr. Fredrick's desk, two couches, and a coffee table with a laptop on it. "Bye Al-"

"Louis, do you want that to be your last word?" I cut him off, knowing he was about to call me Ali.

"No." Louis squeaks.

"Good choice." I nod.

"Bye!" Louis yells, and runs out of the room.

"Have a seat Allison." Dr. Fredrick offers. I plop down onto one of the couches. He sits on the one across from me. I glare at him. I think I was making him uncomfortable. Step one: check! :) "So Allison, how old are you?"

"A lot younger than you." I state simply. You see, since I haven't been in hysterics since I was six, I can keep calm while saying funny things.

"You know what I mean." Dr. Fredrick rolls his eyes. I was probably annoying him. Step two: check!

"Fifteen." I finally answer.

"Why do you call your dad by his first name?" Dr. Fredrick questions me further, while tapping away at his laptop.

"He's not my dad." I snap. "That is where you went wrong, ok? My dad gave me and my brother up and we got adopted by five teenage boys that somehow qualify to own to children."

"Why is your attitude so bad?" Dr. Fredrick asks. I had a good one for this.

"I don't know, why do you smell like toilet water?" I ask, completely serious.

"How long have you lived with these boys?" 

"Uh...I'm not sure, somewhere around three/four days." I shrug. 

"What was your first reaction when you got off the train?"

"My reaction? I didn't have a reaction, it was more of a thought. I was thinking, why the balls did all of this crap have to happen to me? What did I ever do to deserve all of this?" I stare at him blankly. 

"What do you mean by that?"

"You are really getting on my nerves man, but I'm going to be a 'good girl' and tell you anyway. As far as my little brother knows, he doesn't even have a mum. She died not long after he was born. My dad has beat me senseless for years and I still have to be tortured constantly by trying to live a normal life." I explain. "To know I won't ever have the love or comfort from a family just makes me break down inside! You ask why my attitude is so bad, why go so far into my personal life?!" I was standing now. "It is none of your business! It's not like I want to be this way! It's not my fault It was all that stupid, stupid guy! Back off! My life is already bad enough and I don't want you to mess it up any more! My life is my life! I don't need help from you, or Danny, or anybody else! Me!"

With that I walk out of the room. I sit down in a corner of the waiting room in-between two chairs. As soon as Louis got a call saying I ran out of the appointment he would go into panic mode.

I am sitting there for about ten minutes until someone walks in. I lift my head up. It was Harry. I scrunch farther into my corner. But I must have made too much noise because his head snaps over to me.

"Get up." Harry demands. I do as he says. His voice was stern and that put me in an uncomfortable position. He grabs my hand pulling me out of the building. He opens the door of the van and pushes me inside. Harry slams the door after me. The ride was silent, but we weren't going to the park. The part that scared me was that he was taking me home. Harry takes my hand again and drags me upstairs into my room. I sit on my bed. "Stay here." He closes the door.

I run over to the door. He locked it. My heart pounds against my chest. "HARRY!" I scream at the top of my lungs, banging my fist on the wood. "HARRY!" Tears tumble down my cheeks. "LET ME OUT! HARRY!" I slump down against the wall. "Harry..." I couldn't help that my heart was racing majorly. Black spots cloud my vision and the room starts to spin. Then everything goes black.

Ok, ok before you say anything, I know Harry would never do that. I just want to put in that little bit more.

-Melanie XOXO

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