Part 26: Louis' Little Girl

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Two more weeks go by and I don't feel any better. The only people I talk to are Matt and Emma. I don't raise my hand when I know the answer. I don't really participate either. When we are asked to work on something I do it by myself alone in the corner.

I've said a couple words to the girls. Other than that and my friends I wasn't saying much. The boys have given up. The only person that keeps trying is Niall which makes my heart flutter. Speaking of Niall...

Ever so slowly I've been letting him do more. Yesterday I let him hold my hand for the first time in what seems like a lifetime. I also allowed him to kiss my cheek when he woke me up from a nightmare. The only contact I have made with another human being is Niall. He never gave up on me.

I am currently sitting in mathematics bored out of my mind. To get the area of a triangle you get the measurement of the length and multiply it by the width then divide by two, we get it. I mean, come on b****, we know this stuff.

The phone rings and Mr. Green picks it up. I could hear yelling from the other side but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Mr. Green almost drops the phone making everyone but me laugh. "Quiet down!" He shouts into the speaker. "Yes she is in this class, what's the big deal?" More blabbering comes out. "Miss Tomlinson." I lift my head up from my notebook where I was writing music notes. I had learned so much from when Niall used to teach me guitar. "There is someone who would like to speak to you." I quickly scoot out of my seat and snatch the phone from his hand.

"ALLISON!" Five voices scream. I press a hand to my face which was beginning to get warm. I despised being in front of the class. It didn't help that all eyes were on me. They start ranting about stuff I couldn't even understand.

"Shut up!" I hiss. "Louis, go. What's going on?"

"YOU'RE TALKING AGAIN! HOLY S***!" Louis shrieks.

"Whatever." I sigh. "What is happening?"

"Danny is awake!" Niall cheers. My eyes widen.

"He is?" I ask, trying to not scream.

"YesOMGThegirlsareontheirwaytopickyouupbutyouhavetoactlikeEleanorisyourmumorthereisachancewewillallbearrested." Liam explains. 

"Igettoleaveschool?" I question.

"Yeahyoudosohurryyoura**upandgettotheoffice." Zayn rushes out.

"IfyouwantmetocontinuetalkingtoyouIsuggestyounotcallmeana**." I smirk.

"I'msorrypleasekeeptalkingtouswemissyou." Zayn pouts.

"I'llbethereinliketenminutesjustcalmyourbuttsdownbecauseIcan'tleaveuntilyouhangupthisda**phone." I growl.

*Did those sentences with no spaces on purpose*

"HANGING UP!" Harry yells. The line goes dead. Without saying anything I grab my stuff and run out of the class. I don't stop at my locker on the way upstairs to the office. I run inside where the girls were patiently waiting.

"LET'S GO B****ES!" I exclaim grabbing their hands and dragging them out of the school. The ride to the hospital was agonizing. We finally get there. I make a bee-line for Danny's room. I bolt inside.

"Allison!" Danny shouts running over to me. I wrap my arms around him. All of his injuries had been healed since he spent so long in the hospital. We were only waiting for him to wake up. Now that Danny was finally awake I think things would finally turn around.


I wake up stretching my arms and legs out. Last night was the first time in over a month where Niall didn't wake me up to calm me down. I haul myself out of bed then slump over to the closet. I get a pile of clothes.

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