Part 22: Where Did You Go???

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Once Allison got cleaned up she basically passed out so I put her in her bed. I'm crazy worried about her. Al isn't just the kind of girl to let things go. This won't help at all.

"Lads I've got something else." Louis sighs walking in the room with his laptop.

"What?" I frown looking up at him.

"Two words. Social phobia." Louis answers, sitting down.

"What's that?" Harry furrows his eyebrows together.

"Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed. This fear can be so strong that it gets in the way of going to work or school or doing other everyday things. Everyone has felt anxious or embarrassed at one time or another. For example, meeting new people or giving a public speech can make anyone nervous. But people with social phobia worry about these and other things for weeks before they happen. People with social phobia are afraid of doing common things in front of other people. For example, they might be afraid to sign a check in front of a cashier at the grocery store, or they might be afraid to eat or drink in front of other people, or use a public restroom. Most people who have social phobia know that they shouldn't be as afraid as they are, but they can't control their fear. Sometimes, they end up staying away from places or events where they think they might have to do something that will embarrass them. For some people, social phobia is a problem only in certain situations, while others have symptoms in almost any social situation." Louis reads off of it.

"Wow." I breathe out. It was just like when we found out she had dyslexia and dysgraphia. Everything was just like what was happening.

"What are we supposed to do about it?" Liam asks.

"We can't. She's had it for so long it will go on for years, maybe her whole life." Louis tells us.

"Well f*** us, why did One Direction adopt children?!" Zayn groans.

"We shouldn't even qualify." Harry bangs his head on the back of the couch.

"So..." I trail off. "what now?"

"I guess we'll just try to act like she doesn't have it. If she finds out I don't know what happens then." Louis shrugs.


*Allison's POV*

The night was pretty hard for me. I couldn't get comfortable no matter what. Niall even tried to help me fall asleep but nothing worked. I'm just going to try to act like the fight never happened. I don't want even more drama.

I pull a purple leopard print shirt on and white shorts. While braiding my hair I walk out of Niall and I's room. When I go into the kitchen the boys are standing around the island talking to people who I don't recognize. Probably some b****es that want them to do work.

I reach for the handle of the fridge but stop myself. I wasn't gonna f***ing eat in front of them! I head for the couch.

"Al." Louis calls after me. I glance over my shoulder. "Can you come here for a minute?" I walk back over to them.

"We are ordering a press conference to clear things up with the paparazzi." The lady says.

"I'm not doing a f***ing press conference! I can do this myself! I don't need your b**** f***ing help." I snap. I flip them off and walk into our room again snatching Niall's laptop. I go on twitter.

This is Allison, not Niall, so don't go losing your s***. I didn't f***ing beat them up, alright? They threatened me, the boys, and all of you. I only started fighting once they started going after me. Those guys were at least a year older than me anyway. F*** off. -Al

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