Love and Hate pt.2

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~Your P.O.V~

I woke up on a bed, in an odd room filled with other people surrounding, worried faces plastered onto them. I sat up, still confused as ever, a man in a tailcoat approached me, a butler. He grabbed my face, holding it gently, he was extremely worried. I felt like I have felt this touch before, but I couldnt remember it at all.

"Are you okay?" He asked, letting go of my face and handing me tea, I took it but didnt take a sip, I am a demon I dont drink or eat. Yet again, I sense this butler is a demon as well, but I feel like I already know this. I gave him the tea, he looked at me surprised nut later took it ad put it down.

" fine." I answered a bit late. He adjusted himself, as if relaxing himself by my answer. I looked over and saw someone I recognized, someone I only remember, I only remembered bits and pieces though, and that is it.

"F...Finny?" I questioned, he walked to my side, he smiled and them stared at me.

"Yes, ___?" He asked, I looked around the room, then glanced at him, sitting Indian style. I tilted my head to the side.

"What happened?" I asked bluntly, his eyes widened as his smile disappeared, everyones eyes widened as well, as if they knew something I did not. He looked at the bed I was sitting on, almost as if he was crying.

"Sebastian found you lying on the ground, we brought you up here and you haven't awoken until now." He answered, I tilted my head the other way.

"S..ebastian?" I looked around the room, not knowing who Sebastian was.

"You know, Sebastian, the one you are always with and everything, at least, that is what the young master said." He answered yet again, I nodded my head then looked around the room.

"Young master?" I questioned again, a young boy with an eyepatch and blue-ish hair pointed to himself, he gave me a blank look as well.

"Me." He said, almost surprised, I nodded my head and then looked around the room yet again.

"And who is.." I paused looking at Finny, his eyes widened, a tear rolling down his face.

"Who is Sebastian?" I asked, Finny's eyes completely filled with tears, then pointed to the other side of me, I turned around, a man, which I believe is the butler stared at me, his eyes wide in shock, and almost in terror.

"__-____?" The man who was named 'Sebastian' said, stuttering. I tilted my head, confused and wondering what the hell happened.

"Dont I stay with the undertaker?" I questioned, everything was confusing, I know Finny, only a bit, I remember living with the undertaker and thats just it.

"You came to stay with us." The boy said, I looked over at him.

"I did? Why would I stay here?" I asked, the boy looked at the ground, not answering. I rolled my eyes, stopping my innocent act I held, I remember the undertaker, how I ran everywhere to get away from the men that chased me. I started to get up, leaving the bed I sat at. 

"How come you only remember me?" I turned around, Finny was holding onto my sleeve, I realized a maid uniform.

"I dont know...NOR DO I KNOW WHY I AM DRESSED LIKE THIS!" I began to hold up the dress, its frills flowing into the air, I felt my eye twitch as a snicker came from behind me. As I turned around, the young boy was laughing a bit from enjoyment. I stepped up to him as his laughter faded away.

"You actually dont remember do you?" He questioned, I looked at him blankly, I crossed my arms together on top of my chest.

"If I am forgetting something, I am sure glad as hell to forget you." I said, looking away towards the door, I made a 'tch' sound as I began to leave. My eyes flashed a bright color as my maid uniform went to my favorite (f/c) colored clothes. I opened the doors, not even bothering to day goodbye to the people I do not even remember. As I went to walk out, I felt someone grab my arm. I made yet another 'tch' sound and turned around to see the butler, Sebastian.

"You dont remember not even a thing?" Sebastian asked, I nodded my head, trying to escape his grip. How is this even possible? I am the offspring, what the hell? I pulled myself even more as I felt myself fall into the hallway, the butler holding onto my arm so I didnt fall on my head. He closed the door behind him as I tried to escape again.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled, my eyes glowing brighter by the second, I relaxed. My eyes going back to normal. I looked back up, the butlers eyes were narrow, almost as if mad.

"Got a problem?" I asked, my face staring at the ground.

"It was probably your father...took your memory." He said, I looked up, my eyes widening.

"What do you know about my father?" I asked, his grip tightening onto my arm.

"You told me." He answered.

"I dont remember it." I said, looking away. I felt a smirk appear on my face, a devious smirk as well. I inched my face towards him, our faces apart by 2 inches. My smirk grew even more as my eyes glowed a bright color.

"Let go of me." I said in a whispery voice. His eyes were big, and dazed, hypnotized by me. His grip loosened a bit, slowly letting go of my arm. I snickered, he actually is doing as I say, so it does work on demons. I started to back away until his grip came back to my arm, I made a 'tch' sound, as I looked up to him, my eyes widened in shock. Our lips locked, I was surprised as ever, I didnt pull away, I felt...used to this? I felt..calm...He let go as I looked away.

"What..The hell are you doing?" I asked, stuttering a bit, he looked at me then put his hand on my cheek yet again.

"I will help you remember." He said, everything went black, everything went dark as I felt everything fade away.


"Hello?" My voice said, echoing through out the dark and empty pitch black area. I heard a snicker run through the air, I turned around, over and over again but there was nothing around.

"My child...I am truly amused, you cant remember a thing can you?" I heard a voice say, I turned around seeing a replica of me smiling deviously.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yelled, grabbing the collar of myself.

"I erased a few memories, especially of a dear, oh dear someone you love."  The replica of me answered. I felt the black room close me in, a thing of laughter running through the air. 

"I dont love..." I whispered.

A/N- Sorry! I have had so many things going on, I can barely afford food so now I am slowly getting paid by a nearby therapy shop. BAM! Anyway, sorry its so short I felt like I should do something and publish it! SO just wait for part three!

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