The day before.

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~Sebastian's P.O.V~

I looked at the doors open quickly to see ___ and Lizzy, Lizzy ran straight inside huffing and puffing as if she ran all the way here.

"Welcome back." I said looking at them, they both smiled as I took Lizzy's jacket, __ didn't have one. As Lizzy went up the stairs to talk to the young master, I grabbed ____'s waist pulling her closer to me.

"What were you doing in town?" I asked, I smiled, whenever I saw her face I smiled, it used to be fake all the time but she changed this for me. She made me...happy.

"Lizzy said to keep it a surprise." She said letting out a small chuckle as she tried to get out of my grip, I pulled her closer.

"Do you want to leave me that bad?" I said, I looked to see her face blush the slightest bit, I chuckled. I then pulled my face closer to hers giving her a quick kiss as I let her go. She smiled.

"Whats in the case?" I said, I bent down to try and grab the case, she then jumped back faster then I have ever seen her jump before.

"Like I said, Lizzy told me not to tell you or the young master what is in here, its a surprise after all. Even though its nothing important." I watched as I saw ___ roll her eyes, I tried to think of what it could possibly be until it hit me. The halloween costume.

"What are you going to be for halloween?" I asked, smirking my devious smile, she then made a 'hmph' sound, I was right.

"Surprise." She paused, smirking as well, "Lizzy told me to keep it a surprise." She then stuck her tongue out as she put her hands on her hips.

"What? Did you make a contract with her?" I asked, I snickered knowing she didn't.

"Have you seen that soul of hers, it truly disgusts me." She said as she giggled. "After all,  I already made a contract with someone." I heard her say those words as my smile fell and I ran to now be right in front of her.

"What? Who?" I asked, she smirked, as she went a bit closer to me.

"Just some boy." She said as she turned around, I can tell that she can sense my jealousy, I heard her laugh.

"Im kidding relax, I am the offspring I need a wonderful soul, and until that comes I will wait." She turned around looking at me as she lifted a smile, she then went to the main doors and opened them. 

"Oh, this case is human and demon proof, only Lizzy or I can open it." She let out a devious smirk as I rolled my eyes, smirking as well. I watched as she closed the doors, hearing her footsteps go into the patch of grass.

"Sebastian!" I heard Lady Elizabeth say as she ran down the hall with the young master, hand in hand, dragging him.

"Yes my lady?" I asked, bending down to help the young master up, then looking back at Lady Elizabeth who's eyes were full of excitement.

"We are having a halloween party here! All nobles are coming after all!" Lizzy paused as she stopped to catch her breath then looked back at me.

"We have to go get your costume, Lets go!" Lizzy said as she went to the doors, the young master ordering me to follow them. I did as he asked, we went into the carriage, sitting on the opposite side of the young master and Lady Elizabeth. 

"What is my costume anyway?" I asked, bring out a smile, Lady Elizabeth looked at the young master as he rolled his eyes then at me.

"A white cat!" She said as she then looked out the window, my eyes widened a bit, 'a white cat?' I thought in my mind. 'Yup a white cat.' I heard somewhere in my head say, I forgot ___ could hear my thoughts and speak into mine as well, I smiled, I got to hear her voice, which made me think of her, which made me happy.

~Time Skip~

We were escorted to the city, many merchants lined up the place with halloween costumes and decorations, Lady Elizabeth decided we would go simple, cat ears and a tail, after all I was a very tall man, I couldn't fit in a mens cat costume, I would also look plain ridiculous.

"Sebastian, find one that you like!" I heard lady Elizabeth say as she then brought out her rare devious smirk "After all, it is for ____" bloody hell, she knew exactly how to make me cope into things, she just had to run ___'s name into it. I then smiled at her, looking up then rolling my eyes.

"Fine."  I said, I didnt want to be surrounded my mere humans for long, I felt my eyes glow as I felt a presence of clip on white cat ears with a white tail. I then went over to where the merchant with the costume was, grabbing it showing Lady Elizabeth for approval. She grabbed the money and payed for it as soon as she saw it.

"Also Sebastian," I heard the young master say as he smirked, "Lizzy has gotten you a white suit, its exactly like the one you have on, just white, though, the vest is a light grey." He finished off, I felt the uneasiness go through me, white? That is deficiently NOT my suited color, I played it off as if I was ok with it then went with them as we headed to the carriage, white. I then thought of ___, I was doing this for her, for her.

~Your P.O.V~

I heard the carriage pull up as Sebastian was hiding something in a case while he walked over to me, I was sitting in the patch staring at my own little case, wondering if Sebastian would like the costume.

"Now we are equal, only me, Lizzy and the young master can open my case." I looked up to see Sebastian smirking holding up the case then putting it down, he then sat in front of it like I was.

"What are you going to be?" I asked, I tilted my head, eager to know, maybe he was going to be nothing.

"Its a surprise." He said while smirking, a made a 'hmph' sound and looked at my case.

"If you tell me, I will tell you though." He then let out a small chuckle as I rolled my eyes, then looked at him.

"I guess we both have to wait 2 days." I said, I noticed how the sun was going down, then I looked back at Sebastian. "Okay, maybe one day." I said letting out a small laugh, as did Sebastian. I grabbed my case and put it in with the (f//c) roses, hiding it away, while Sebastian put his right next to mine, luckily ours were two different colors, so we didnt mix it up. I sat back down looking at the stars, thinking Sebastian left, I sighed until I realized I was being carried into the air.

"What? Hey!" I said turning around to see Sebastian holding me bridal style as he began to sit down, his legs were criss crossed as he sat me in his lap, I blushed a bit looking away from him.

"You and your blushing, makes you even cuter!" He said, pushing my head into his chest, his hand around my waist, while the other petting my (h/c) hair slowly. I looked up to see Sebastian looking at me.

"What?" I asked, he smirked and put his forehead on mine.

"Oh nothing," He paused, " Just looking at your beautiful (e/c) eyes shine from the moon." He said, I blushed while also rolling my eyes.

"That was very cheesy." I said letting out a small laugh, looking back at him as he also let out a small laugh.

"I know, but I always try my best dont I?" He said, he then pressed his lips on mine, this time it wasn't a quick kiss, but a passionate one. After a bit he let go as he pushed me back onto his chest. I blushed again, looking at his arm around my waist at the corner of my eye. Damn this guy, I really do love him.

Demonic Love {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now