Boy trouble

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"I still can't believe our classes are almost all together!" Tyler said.

"I know right!" Hunter smiled. Yes hunter goes to school with us now and Harris and him have finally become friends again.

"I'm just glad that hoe Vanessa isn't here anymore! Can't believe she got expelled!" Harris laughed.

"Who knows what she did to get expelled I, just glad she's not flirting with you anymore." I said.

" aw were you jealous?" Yusha said in a baby voice.

"No just annoyed." I said.

"Anyways, I gotta go." Lana said getting up.

" oh to call that ex boyfriend of yours huh? What was his name? Danny? " Gavin asked the others and I looked at each other.

"Gavin not now, I told you nothing is going on." Lana sighed.

"That's not what it seems like." Gavin said.

" I do not have time for this, I'll see you guys later." She sighed and left.

"Gavin stop." I said.

"I'm not doing anything-

"Yes you fucking are." Bella said.

"Just, stop she feels bad enough and start talking to her with respect k she's not your maid or something she's your girlfriend a relationship is built on trust and honesty and your lucky she's still with you if I were her I would've broken up with you." I said.

" you guys are seriously lecturing-

"Go now." I said sternly the others looked shocked Gavin stoped and got up walking away.

"Ima call you tiger from now on." Mason said.

" mmm k." I said.

"Harris heads up." Tyler glared.

"What did I do?" Harris asked.

"Nothing...yet." Tyler said.

"I thought you liked me." Harris said.

"I do but still a friendly reminder." He said.

"Thanks...." Harris said blankly.

" Yo aria can I talk to you?" Pierce asked.

"Sure." I said looking at the others in confusion.

"Babe." Harris held my hand.

"Harris, come on." I smiled I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked off.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Well I was wondering if you needed help with tutoring the 9th graders I know they can be a pain." Pierce said.

"Well that'd be awesome! But what's in it for you?" I asked.

"Well one I need the credit points and I'll get to spend time with the most beautiful girl at school." He smiled. Oh..

"Mhm, you do know I have a boyfriend right?" I asked.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't compliment you right?" He asked.

"Your right, see you after school." I chuckled.

"K bye." He smiled and walked away I did the same walking back to the group.

"Mine." Harris hugged me kissing my cheek repeatedly.

"Harris pda." I scolded making the others laugh.

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