Note Passing

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" wake up school!" Lana said I gasped and sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"We're not late just get ready." Bell rolled her eyes at Lana.

I got freshened up and then got dressed into

We left soon after we were all ready we got to school a few minutes I walked over to my locker seeing Harris with the boys great, luckily mason walked up to me

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We left soon after we were all ready we got to school a few minutes I walked over to my locker seeing Harris with the boys great, luckily mason walked up to me.

"Hey you don't happen to have the science homework?" He asked I nodded.

" yeah." I said going over to my locker I I got my stuff and handed him the homework.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"No problem." I smiled Harris walked up.

"Ok mason bye." He said.

"I'll see you later." I nodded and he walked off and I closed my locker.

"So your not going to talk to me or answer my texts or calls?" He asked leaning against the lockers.

"didnt have my phone." I said not looking at him I just continued to put away my books in my locker he sighed and took my binder and put it on top of the lockers out of my reach.

"I'll get it down if you talk to me." He said.

"Boys could one of you get my binder down?" I asked the boys who nodded.

"No talk to me then you'll get it." Harris said.

"Fine I don't like you right now. There I said something." I said and jay handed me my binder.

"Aria look I'm s-you know." He said, I did know he was trying to apologize but he can't cause he hates apologizing.

"Your what? Stupid?" I asked.

"No, you know what I mean." He said.

"Nah I still think you were trying to say you're stupid." I said making the boys snicker.

"Fine I'm sorry jeez, can you please talk to me now? You left me yesterday." He pouted.

"Yeah and I'm about to do it again right now bye see you in class." I smiled walking away making him groan.

_ _

We were all in science at the moment and Harris was trying to get my attention my throwing a ball of rolled up paper at me and it was getting annoying!

"Stop!" I whisper shouted at him and he crossed his arms and sunk back into his chair then smiled and sat up and started writing, finally he was doing his work instead of Ann- I spoke to soon, he crumbled the piece of paper he was writing on and threw it at me hitting my collar bone I rolled my eyes looking at him he motioned for me to read it, I sighed and opened it to open it I didn't even see the first word because it was snatched out of my hands.

"Aria and Harris passing notes in class so what's more important than what we're learning?" Our science teacher mr.mullaney asked.

"Uh can I have that back?"Harris asked.

"No I'm pretty you'd like aria to hear this but since it's more important than what we're learning I'll do the honors." He smiled and cleared his throat Harris put his head down.

"Ahem, look I know your mad at me but I love you I'm sorry stop ignoring me though I can't stand you not talking to me. Awwww how sweet." Mr.Mullaney said. The whole class awed.

"I'm pretty sure it says Vanessa not ari-

"Shut up no one likes you." A girl Samantha said the whole class snickered and then the Bell rang and Harris bolted out of the classroom.

I went over to my locker and put my book in there then closed it revealing Harris.

"That was sweet." I smiled.

"Yeah but mullaney had to ruin it." He said.

"It's ok." I kissed his cheek.

"So your not mad?" He asked.

"Nope, oh and I love you too." I smiled.


" He does protect me I didn't tell you this but when I went with the girls for their dresses I walked into an alley cause I got lost-

"Well that was dumb!" My dad scolded, I was telling how Harris actually cares about me.

"Anyways so then a group of guys kinda like cornered me but Harris came by in his car and told me to get in then he got me home safely." I said.

"Mmmmhm nice story." My dad said.

"Wallah I'm not lying it's true." I said.

"Fine but I'll believe that he cares for you when I see it myself." He said that gave me an idea.

"Ooooook sure." I said getting up to go get my uncle.

"Ok so dad wants proof that Harris cares but I'm not exactly sure how to do that but Harris and I are going out tomorrow just at the park for a walk dad doesn't know you tell him about it." I said.

"Um you WANT your dad to know your going out with a boy he doesn't like? What type of teenager are you?" He questioned.

" true, but just tell him I want him to know cause I didn't tell him and I don't want him to think I'm going to like the girls place when I'm not actually there." I said.

"Again what kind of teenager are you? If your going somewhere where your parents don't want you to be at or with someone your parents don't want you with you say your going to a friends house not tell them where your going stupid." Zane said.

" I swear you are so annoying." I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and go do my homework I assigned." He said.

"I finished!" I called.

"Good, I'll go tell your dad right now." He said and walked off to find my dad while I went to my room to get some sleep.

* * *

Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner but I'm incredibly busy these days I have report cards coming out and we get grades every five weeks so I'm trying to get good grades on my next report card so I'm working extra hard on my homework and stuff so I'm really busy!


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