Chapter 4 Sesshomaru's POV

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"Rin can we leave yet I'm tired and there is no way that I'm sleeping in this village, we can come back in the morning and spend the entire day here if that's what you want but for tonight can we please go back home?" I asked Rin trying to stay awake, "where exactly is your home?" Sango asked me looking up from her kids and pet, "in the forest close to Rin's village" I said sitting down when I seen her looking curious, "why we all thought you hated all villages?" asked the fox demon whose name I could never remember, "not all of them Shippo" Rin said coming and sitting on my lap then looking at me as if to say 'you're explaining' "I hate every other village just not hers, she found me sleeping in the forest near her village one day and she brought me some food and water, and she did the same the next day, then she started to come everyday and do the same thing, then I started talking to her and when she never replied, I realized that she was mute, then one day Koga's wolves were on the hunt and she was coming to visit me again, she was on the path when they came by so they killed her but for some reason they didn't take her with them, and when she didn't come that day I got a bit worried since she always came at sundown, then I found her body, and I kinda resurrected her, then after about 3 hours of her constantly saying 'thank you' to me I got sick of hearing her saying it so I left, but she followed me, though thankfully she stopped saying thank you to me, and she started following me like Jaken does, and that has been going on since she was seven, so for about ten years now" I said leaning back onto my hands and noticed that Rin had sat on me and was now asleep with her head on my chest, "it's funny you know, because whenever she reads a book about happy things she cries, and yet when she hears the story about how she died and was resurrected by a sword, she falls asleep on me every time" I said smiling down at Rin and pushing a stray hair out of her face, "I don't think it's the story that makes her fall asleep" said Miroku, "huh what do you mean Miroku?" I asked tilting my head to the side confused, "I think your now not-so-little follower is in love with you" he said smiling and pointing and Rin who had buried her head in the fur on my other shoulder, "I don't understand, how on earth could she be in love with me?" I asked, "has she seemed to be a lot more clingy to you?" Kagome asked me bringing her knees up and leaning her head on them, "yeah I guess so, I mean she doesn't even want to let me go so I can make sure that it safe for her to run ahead because she loves doing that, though now she just drags me along with her" I said not knowing where she was going with this, "does she look away very quickly when you look her in the eyes?" she asked, "yes" I answered, "does she never want you to talk to anyone else not even Jaken anymore?" she asked me, "uh-huh" I said not sure what she was doing, "she is in love with you" she said smiling at me for some reason, "okay" was all I could say, I could think of anything else to say, 'did not expect that, or for Kagome to be so good at this stuff' I said to myself looking from Rin to Kagome then back to Rin.

Rin x Sesshomaru A human/demon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now