Chapter 1 Rin's POV

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A/N Hey there guys, so this is my first story like this between these two, actually this is my first story like this period. Sorry if it sucks, but please tell me if I am doing anything wrong in the comments below, criticism is more than welcome.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, just this story


It had been many years since I met Lord Sesshomaru, and I had grown up and now I was about the same height as Lord Sesshomaru, which Master Jaken hated as now he was the only small one in our little group, "why am I the only one that's still small" Master Jaken said pouting at me, "because I grew up Master Jaken" I said trying not to giggle at his attempt at pouting, "Jaken stop trying to pout it's annoying and hideous, and it's also very hard not to laugh at" Lord Sesshomaru said also trying not to laugh. I looked around until I spotted a well with a girl sitting on it like she had just come out of it, "Lord Sesshomaru, look there's a girl sitting on the well over there" I said trying to get Lord Sesshomaru's attention, "would you like to go over and talk to her Rin?" Lord Sesshomaru asked looking at me with a smile, "mhmm" I mumbled, I squealed as Lord Sesshomaru picked me up and put me on his shoulder then started walking over to her, "hey Kagome, Rin wants to talk to you" Lord Sesshomaru shouted across the field we were walking on, "well then would you like to come to the village for a bit, I'm sure the others would love to see Rin and you after so long as well" the girl, Kagome shouted back smiling, Lord Sesshomaru looked at me up on his shoulder as if he were asking me, "yes please Lord Sesshomaru" I said blushing and looking away, 'what was that?, it felt like my heart skipped a beat when he was looking at me' I asked myself and jumped down from Lord Sesshomaru's shoulder and went to start running toward Kagome, but before I could Lord Sesshomaru grabbed my wrist gently but enough to stop me from running off, "please Rin when talking to me skip the 'Lord' bit okay? and please be careful" he asked me as he let go of my wrist, "okay Sesshomaru" I said as I ran off again toward Kagome, then I noticed a whirlwind coming toward Kagome and I ran faster and pushed her out of the way then jumped out of the way myself, only to see that the whirlwind was actually Koga of the demon wolf tribe, also he seemed to be infatuated with Kagome, "ow that hurt Rin" Kagome said to me rubbing the back of her head, "well sorry but to begin with I thought a whirlwind was coming toward you, but then once it stopped I realized that it was nothing to worry about because it was just Koga the puppy" I said grinning at Koga, "Rin that was not being careful" Sesshomaru came over to us looking really worried, I walked over and gave him a hug,"sorry for being reckless Sesshomaru" I said turning around to face the others, "it's fine just don't do that again" he sighed and sat down, I sat in his lap and leaned back on his shoulder, "does she always do that" Kagome asked Sesshomaru, "yeah I'm used to it" he said looking across to me as I was the same height as him, he wrapped his arm around my waist as he stood up so I wouldn't fall on my ass, "thanks Sesh" I said smiling but I wouldn't let him take his hand off my waist so he gave me a questioning look, I just shrugged and stood there waiting for someone to speak, "does anyone here know how to wait for anyone?" I heard Master Jaken say between breaths, "sorry Master Jaken" I said smiling sheepishly, "you do know that you don't have to call him Master right?" Sesshomaru told me, "no I did not know that but thanks for the tip Sesh" I said looking at the demon who was holding my waist then back at the little green imp, "well we should go I told Inuyahsa to tell the rest of them that I would be there in half an hour and it's already almost 30 minutes since I came out of the well" Kagome said starting to walk toward the village, "right we should probably start walking too" Sesh said taking his arm from my waist and grabbing my hand and heading off in that direction, "hold on Sesh" i said letting go of his hand, going over to Jaken, putting him on A-Un and leading A-Un with one hand and grabbing Sesh's hand with the other and following the others again.

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