Chapter 6 Sesshomaru's POV

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I felt someone trying to wake me up, I opened my eyes and rubbed at them to see Rin's face above mine, very red, "what's wrong Rin?" I asked sitting up then getting off Kirrara, how the hell did any of them get me on Kirrara, "Inuyasha put me on here didn't he?" I asked Rin though it was more of a statement than a question because I already knew the answer would be yes, "yeah I did, and you're heavy bro" Inuyasha said which caused me to look at him as he had never called me bro before, "what's with the bro and the sudden outfit change Inu?" I asked using the nickname I used to call him when I was a teenager and he was about three, "Kagome made me change my clothes so I could 'fit in' in her world, and I have no clue with the bro bit, but what's with calling me Inu, you haven't done that since I was three?" he asked me chewing his fingernails, "I don't know, it just kinda slipped out,didn't mean to" I said walking over to him and slapping the back of his hand, "and stop chewing on your fingernails, did I teach you nothing when we were younger?" I asked sarcastically, "yeah you taught me not to chew on my fingernails, you also taught me how to be a complete dumb ass, and how to hide my feelings well, but you can't hide yours from me bro" he said smirking at me and I could tell he knew about my feelings toward Rin, "don't tell anyone got that Inu?" I growled quietly so Inu was the only one who heard it, or so I thought, "don't growl at him Sesh" I heard Rin say from behind me, "I can growl at my younger brother if I want to Rin" I smiled at her then smirked at Inuyasha before following Rin into her village, until I heard a young boy who I had met a few months ago, his name was Kohaku, "Lord Sesshomaru, you're back" he yelled at he came running up to me, he was still a lot smaller than Rin, so I could still pick him up which he seemed to love, then when all the other kids heard from his yelling that I was back they all came running up to me until I was surrounded by kids, "Kohaku" Sango said when she caught sight of the boy, and he went running to her as soon as I put him down, "Sango, I missed you" he said hugging her, "how do you know Sesshomaru?" she asked him, "we met a few months ago when I had a cold, and Rin came back to the village, and he helped heal me, also dad was dead and he brought him back to life with his sword, the bottom one that is" he muttered the last bit then he came running back to me and then they all started telling me how much they all missed me and I was getting crushing hugs from every single one of them, "I didn't know you were so great with kids, Sesshomaru" Kagura said as she suddenly came into the village on that stupid feather of hers 'does she even know how to walk' I laughed internally, and tried not to laugh on the outside as well, "yes it seems I am good with kids, considering I've only ever looked after a baby half-demon never a human, until Rin that is" I stated as I walked away from her to take one of the kids who had fallen asleep back to their parents.

Rin x Sesshomaru A human/demon love storyWhere stories live. Discover now