Chapter Thirty Four

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Sorry for another time skip buuuut

Three months later

Jasmine's POV: My mom has been staying at our house for about a week now because she wants to be here when the babies are born. It is December 10th so it could be any day now. My stomach is officially gigantic and I have to waddle everywhere I go. My ankles are swollen and my back hurts and it's just ugh.

"ow" I said and they all looked at me.

"I'm fine" I assured them.

"Bella you better go do your homework"

That girl from Warped tour never ended up texting her, I'm guessing she thought it was a fake number. I've also only had Brielle come over like twice for tutoring.

"Oh my god" I said in pain.

"Jasmine are you having contractions" My mom asked me.

"I don't know, do they feeling like someone is stabbing me?"

"Yes, we better start timing them"

Johnnie got on the stop watch on his phone and timed everything and eventually we all went to the hospital.

We were all in the hospital room and I had already changed into a gown and everything. Johnnie had called Richie so he was on his way and then the doctor came back in.

"I need to check everything" He said and he sat down in front of me.

Richie walked in and stood over by Johnnie and then the doctor lifted the blanket up that was covering me.

"You're fully dilated I'm going to go get the nurse and we'll start pushing"

The Doctor walked out and Johnnie came over and held my hand.

"We get to hold them soon" I said smiling.

We had to car seats and baby outfits here and everything for when it is time to go home which would be like two days. The doctor came back in with two nurses and he sat back down in front of me.

"Ok Jasmine, when I count to three I want you to push"


I pushed as much as I could and it hurt so bad.

"1....2....3" I pushed again and squeezed Johnnie's hand really hard.

"You're doing good Jazz" He said kissing me on the forehead.


I pushed once again and could feel part of the baby outside of me.

"One final big push 1...2...3"

I pushed as hard as I could and then I heard the baby crying.

"It's a boy" He said holding him up.

"Good I wanted Andy to be born first" I said smiling.

He handed the baby to one of the nurses and then it was time to start pushing again. After Ashley was born the other nurse took her and I was able to just lay there for a bit. I was so exhausted after all of that.

"You did great" Johnnie said kissing my forehead again.

The walked back in with the babies and we were all so excited. The doctor handed me Ashley and he handed Johnnie Andy. I sat there and looked at her and smiled. I can't believe that I had two babies inside of me it's just so weird. After about five minutes Johnnie and I switched babies and then eventually we let everyone else hold them.

"Hey Jazz can I ask you a question?" Johnnie asked and he sat up on the bed beside me.


"Will you marry me" He said and he pulled a ring out of his pocket.

"YES" I said and I hugged him.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too baby" he replied kissing me.

He said the ring on my finger and then the doctor came back in.

"The mother needs to rest, everyone out except the father please"

They sat Andy and Ashley in their little bed things and they all hugged me bye and left.

"Can you lay here with me?" I asked Johnnie.

"Of course"

I moved over to make room and then he laid down beside me. I can't believe they're finally here, and Johnnie and I are finally getting married. It's weird to think this all started with just bumping into each other at warped tour.

The end

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