You're Services Will Not Be Needed

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Chapter Fifteen

You're Services Will Not Be Needed

I've always hated Sundays, so somehow it's fitting to have Blood donation's on Sunday. Thank you world for letting my hatred for Sundays grow stronger!

"I've never donated blood before..."Colette muttered biting down on her thumb, out of all five of us she was probably showing the most nerves

"I had a blood test once ..." Davie spoke glancing up from his phone at us but then resulting in killing himself in the game "Sh*t"

So apart from Davies blood test we were all nervous virgins to this, waiting to be called in from the hall to the nurses room where a sign hung from the door reading 'BLOOD DONATIONS HERE'. It was making me sick with nerves I hated the thought of donating blood to my stupid Vampire teachers, the thought of Mr Wiles feeding of my blood made me shudder.

Our form was being first to be called in so it was only a matter of time before it was my 'donation'

Colette was the first out of us to be called and the look on her face was heart breaking. I gave her a quick hug promising to see her on the other side before watching her walk to the nurses room.

Anthony was then called after Colette and he put on a 'I don't give a f*ck' expression that made my strangely proud, but I knew it was only for show and he was as nervous as the rest of us.

Next was William he was more obvious to what he was feeling and gave me and Davie a long dreaded look before entering the nurses office.

And then there were two...

I looked over Davies shoulder watching him pelt zombies with flower monkeys and then the Zombies would explode into ribbons ... What the hell is this game?

"Davie this-"

"Nu-uh" He cut me of with a wave of his hand "concentrating Lala"

I frowned watching him kill Zombies for a few more minutes before pulling out my own Phone and playing something equally as stupid to try and take my mind of everything.

Davie was then called up, I watched as he slipped his phone into his pocket and took a deep breath before standing up.

"Have fun" I smiled

Davie laughed "I intend to Lailah see you on the other side ... If we make it that is"

I glared pushing him toward the nurses "Shut up and get in there"

He saluted me mockingly before making his way to the nurses room. I sighed wishing they would just call me up already and have it over and done with.

I waited ... and waited for them to call me up but it seems today is 'see how agitated we can get Lailah day'

So I kept waiting ...

And waiting ...

Waited so long in fact I was the last of my form left so the next time the nurse came out I new for a fact it was my time.

But instead of just calling me out she gestured me over to her instead.

I narrowed my eyes puzzled why she wants to see me instead of just sticking a tube in my arm and taking my blood, but I walked over to her anyway

"Name?" She asked pulling out her clipboard and pen

"Shouldn't you already know that?" I inquired

She gave me a bored look before repeating herself

"Lailah Mask" I sighed

"Lailah Mask" Her eyes widened slightly but she recovered quickly "You're services will not be needed today ... or ever Miss Mask"

I paused confused by her sudden change of attitude towards me once she heard my name, normally it's the other way round way, once they hear my name they start hating me "Wait ... What do you mean?"

"We do not need your donation" She said faking a clearly forced smile

"Oh" I said feeling myself fall into my confused and puzzled thoughts and not realizing she was walking away. I chased to catch up with her "Why not?"

"Why not what?" She sighed her nice facade faltering slightly

"Why don't you want my blood?" I pushed

"It is simply the Royals wishes" Was her only reply before turning round to call the next person

"The Royals?" I questioned out loud my eyebrows creasing in confusion. Why don't the Royals want my blood?

**Nathaniel POV**

~Early Morning~

I wrinkled my nose at the poor accommodation this man was offering me

"And the en'suit is through there..." The short stout man with the most horrendous colored shirt informed me pointing to the door next to the double bed

I raised my eyebrow cursing my mother, it's her fault I'm hear in this school. And look at these conditions I have to put up with

"Is it up to your standards your Highness?" He asked

"It will do" I said taking a deep breath to try and rid myself of my frustration to then ask "where are the students dorms from here?"

"The boys dorms are straight ahead and the girls dorms are just above on the next floor" He said "they are not always as noisy as they will be today, but it's there first blood donating day and there all a nervous wreck"

"Blood donating day?" I questioned feeling the very un-Vampiric feeling of concern

"Well yes" He said "Is there problem your Highness?"

I swallowed "No, your assistance has been much help Mr ...?"

"Lough" The man beamed

I nodded "now where exactly is the blood Donating happening?"


So guys what do you think?

I'm having fun writing these chapters every night I hope your having fun reading ;)

Anyway hope you enjoyed


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