Dear Readers (Authors note)

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Dear readers,

I swore I would never write one of these ...

But hey here I am doing the same annoying thing, so feel free to click off and stop reading at the point it gets unbearable.

But it seems ya'll are like "please update!!" and I'm over here like "sure ok!" And then if I go to write the 'Roadtrip' Chapter that ya'll are waiting for it just doesn't feel the same as when I first started writing this silly little story of mine. I don't feel as connected to the storyline or characters as I did before. I really find it hard to get into Lailah's head now and write from her perspective. It's honestly not as fun writing as it used to be and I don't want to force something that isn't there.

I'm not saying it's over. I'm just taking a break from writing this story, well at least stressing about over it. But if inspiration comes naturally to me in a couple of weeks, months or whatever that's great. I'm just not going to force anything.

Ok? *ducks head for any flying objects*

I'm really sorry. If I had a magic wand this story would of been finished months ago xx

P.S *Daughtry Voice* IT'S NOT OVER!! ...

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