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We spent weeks trying to figure out where Valentine could possibly be. Lisa was much help. I spent hours with her learning about the portal. The portal could take you anywhere you wanted to go. But there was only one problem, if you didn't get the proper training you could be lost in your own mind forever. So Lisa thinks that Valentine might be in a place called Idris. She is helping me train because she's been through the portal once.

"Where did you go?" I asked her one late afternoon.

"I was actually running away from Valentine. I was working for him but we weren't treated right. Many of us who were working for him wanted to escape. So one day we got into an argument and I started fighting him, I managed to put him on the ground once and I took my chance. He has a portal inside his house. He was right behind me. I jumped through it and I landed here in Seattle," she said. She was looking into a faraway place remembering.

"So Valentine has people who work for him?" The question seemed to bring her out of her daze.

"Yes, he has really great Shadowhunters who have turned against the clave and he has demons that guard his house. He's not going to let Alexia go without a fight," she said the last part quietly.

"I know. That's the part I'm prepared for. But the only thing I'm trying to figure out is how are we going to get inside his house. If he has demons guarding then we can't just walk right in."

"Then we'll have to go through," she said.


"A distraction of course," she said.

I thought about this for a minute. "We'll have to talk this through my dad and Stephan.," I got up and she came with me. We found them and the Morgensterns in the training room.

"Dad, Stephan. It's been weeks, we've made some progress. We're pretty sure we know where Alexia is. I'm ready."

They stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me.

I heard Lisa shuffle behind me. She stepped up beside me. "He's right. I know the place were Valentine stays. And I know you don't want to go there through the portal but its the fastest way," she looked at Stephan with concern.

Stephan looked at my dad before he spoke.

"I'm guessing you're right. Me and your dad will talk this through Lisa. We'll tell you the plan in the morning." He started to turn back.

"Don't leave me out of that plan. If the Morgensterns go I'm going, and if you do leave me out, that will be a big mistake."

I looked around before I left the training room. I didn't see if anyone was following me. I went into my room. I looked out the window. I saw the streets being crowded with people. I decided I needed to go out and get some fresh air. I grabbed a dagger and put it inside my boot before I left my room.

I went into the library, luckily no one was there. I went into a closet beside the portal. Inside were spare steles, I grabbed a silver one with a clear tip. I stuck it in my pocket. I closed the closet and headed out the library. I walked down the hallway and went down the stairs that led to the main door. I opened them and stepped out.

It had been weeks since I've been outdoors. Looking for Alexia was the only thing I had on my mind nowadays.

The sun was out shinning bright. The wind cooled my heated skin. I walked the streets, having no particular location in mind.

I thrust my hands in my pockets as I looked inside the stores. Valentines day was in a couple of days. I looked away. I didn't imagine my valentines day would be like this.

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