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*If you're raped or have been TELL SOMEONE. IT IS NOT OKAY,, I'm here for you x.

LIAM: (Age 5) "Baby what is this?" Liam asked referring to your drawing. "It's me and Uncle Danny." Liam frowned and examined the picture closer. It was a picture of you tied to the bed and your Uncle saying 'stay quiet' "Baby.. What does he do to you?" "He touches me.. In the no no area.. But it's ok. He loves me." "Sweetie no no, that is not okay. You won't be seeing Danny for a while."

LOUIS: (Age 18) You bursted through the front door. "Lo-l-lou-!" You coked through tears, and fell down the wall. "Bug?" You heard his voice call throughout the house. He ran at the sound of your sobs, his heart broke when he saw you on the floor. Your clothes were ripped, and there were a bit of blood stains on your clothes. But mostly your pants. "I tried.. So damn hard!" You cried even harder. He stood there shocked for a second but then came back to reality. He sat down with you. "Lottie!" He called "Get y/n some water! Hurry too. What happened?" "It's a blur.. I was walking home from school." Lottie came back with some water and handed it to Louis, she didn't want to overwhelm you so she left. "There were three of them Lou.. They took something I can't get back." Suddenly it all clicked, he didn't want to believe it. "Did.. Did someone rape you?" Your sobs getting harder was all he needed. "Baby.. I.. What the hell!" He jumped up suddenly angry. "Why the fuck!" He yelled and punched a wall. At this you whimpered and started to scoot away. You were scared. He turned around.. "No don't be scared, there's nothing to be scared of.."

HARRY: (Age 16) "How old were you?" He had a frown on his face. "I said how fucking old y/n!" His voice raised. "I was.. I-I was fourteen." You shifted uncomfortably. "Dammit." "It's not that big of-" "It's not that big!? You were fucking raped! Who was it? Was it that dick of a boyfriend? James.. No, John! That's it I'm gonna fucking kill him." He grabbed his jacket and keys. Then made his way out the door. You sat there on the barstool, feeling as helpless as you did on that stormy night.

NIALL: (Age 13) Niall had been noticing some.. Strange things about you lately. You became more shy, and shut down. You and Niall use to be best friends, but then it happened. You hadn't told anyone, not even Liam, who was your best friend. You hadn't told anyone what happened. Niall noticed how whenever someone was loud you flinched, or when someone touch you you flinched. Or how you hadn't been talking to- guys - as much as you use too. One day while the guys were over you tipped down the stairs and peeked your head around the corner. When you saw the boys you ran upstairs as quietly as you could and locked yourself in your bedroom. Niall saw you, so he excused himself and made his way to your room. But not without grabbing a key first. He got into your room. Finding you sitting on the bench by your window. Hearing the door open you jumped and froze. "Baby?" He questioned quietly. You squeezed your eyes closed and didn't respond. "Are you okay?" He slowly walked towards you and sat down. He saw your flushed face and bloodshot eyes, causing him to frown. "What's wrong?" You just shook your head. "Is it something I did?" His voice cracked. "What happened? C'mon I need ta know." "I-it's just." You broke down, sobs causing your body to shake. "I've kept something hidden.. And I shouldn't of.." You sobbed. "What is it?" He rubbed your back. "Some guy.. I talked to on the internet.. I gave out where I lived and he said we should meet up sometime.. I'm so stupidddd." You dragged out the word in a sob. "I meet him at the local mall...... H-he took me out back." Niall's face fell. He knew where this was going. "He touched me.. And he stole everything!" You screamed and cuddled into his chest. You sobbed harder than you ever had before, saying it out loud was worse. But not as bad as it happening. "He was in his fifties Ni! His fucking fifties!" You pounded at his chest, trying to let all of it go. "I'm so stupid." You whispered.

ZAYN: (Age 4) You were taking a bath, because Zayn told you to. Zaynie?" You called out. "Yes Hun?" "Is someone here? I heard a voice.." He smiled. "Yeah baby," he picked you up and put a towel around you. "daddy's boss is here." He took you into your room and started to get you dressed. "D-daddy's.. Boss?" You stuttered. "Yeah.. Why?" He sat you on your bed and started attaching your shoes. "No! No he can't be!" You bursted out crying. He frowned. "Y/n stop it. You'll be okay." He finished strapping your shoes, then picked you up ignoring your protests. He took you out to the kitchen, your legs wrapped around his waist and arms wrapped around his neck, and your head was nuzzled in his neck. "Hello y/n." You heard the gruff voice that's been haunting your dreams. Zayn nudged you a bit. You lifted your head up a bit and met his piercing eyes. "H-hi." You whispered. "Dinner?" Your mom questioned. Halfway through the dinner you had to pee. "Z." You whispered. He looked down at you. "What Baby?" He whispered back. "I have to pee pee." He sat his napkin on the table and was about to pick you up when your dad's boss interrupted him. "I'll take her." He said and stood up. Zayn nodded. Rob, your dad's boss, picked you up and took you to a bedroom.. Zayn's bedroom. "Don't make sound baby."meh whispered covering your mouth. You screamed against his hands, and thrashed out as he started to undress you. "Y/n? It's been a long time.... Where are you?" You bit his hand and screamed as loud at you could. Chairs were screeching against the wooden floors, then footsteps, and the door bursting open. Zayn's along with the rest of your family's mouth opened. "What the hell?!" Your dad screamed. Zayn ran in and pushed Rob off of you. He picked you up and took you to your moms and dads room. You were shaking violently, he wrapped you in a blanket. He sat down with you. "Never again." He whispered over and over while cradling you and kissing your hair repetively.

Well, I cried while writing this.

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