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LIAM: (Age 18) You were walking around a park with your brother. You were only eighteen years old, and pregnant. But nonetheless Liam supported you when others didn't. He basically forced you to move in with him and out with your now ex-boyfriend. He even payed everything for your new baby, he was just as excited as you. There were the occasional paparazzi but you didn't really mind as long as there weren't swarms of them. You felt a wetness run down your legs and then a pang in your lower abdomen. Out of reflex you grab onto Liam's bicep. "Li.." You whimper out. "It's. It's time." His face drops and he quickly picks you up - bridal style - then carries you to his car. Once in his car he rushes to the hospital and bursts through the doors with you clutching on to him. "My sisters having a baby." He breathes out.

LOUIS: (Age 20) "Ow." You whimper and your face contracts in frustration. "I just want it out." "Trust me love we all do." Louis' voice came from behind you. He started to massage your lower back. "Here?" "Up a little.. Right there." You sigh. You were only three centimeters dilated in a period of two hours. "This fucking sucks." You whimper and lean your head back onto his shoulder. "Just think about it this way: in a couple of hours Bentley will be here." "Couple of hours my ass." You mutter.

HARRY: (Age 19) "Just hold it a little longer." Harry urges from the drivers seat. "Are you kidding me Harold?! I'm pushing another human being out of my vagina. A few words are not going to help me calm down. Just drive faster please." You practically scream. Harry cringes a bit and speeds down the intersection, then exits on the next right. After twenty excruciating hours your baby girl has arrived.

NIALL: (Age 16) Niall and the midwife helped lower you into the bath. You whimpered at the contact of the water. Ever since you became pregnant your skin became more sensitive. "Niall." You cry as another contraction ripples your way. "Nine centimeters dilated y/n." Alicia, your midwife, encourages you. "I'm right here y/n." Niall whispers as he grabs your hand and smoothes back your hair. "Can.. You put s-some cold water in my hair?" You ask. "Of course.." Niall who still has a grip on your hand has Alicia get a bucket of cold water that he can stick his hand in and smooth your hair. Which he does. "Alright y/n time to start pushing.. Take a big breath and release when I count to ten. Okay?" Alicia instructs. You nod and do just as she says. After fifteen minutes you have a beautiful baby boy that represents his dad.

ZAYN: (Age 17) "Well this is a surprise." Your doctor says. "What? What is?" Zayn asks from your side. "It seems that y/n here is having twins!" You sigh. You just went through twenty two hours to have a cild but it'd be worth it in the end. You keep reminding yourself that. "Continue pushing y/n." You do as he says. After a short ten minutes you have two girls: Bell and Jade.

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