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Part 2 :)

LIAM: (Age 5) That day Liam went to the Police office and filed a rape report. He showed them the pictures you drew, and also brought you in to tell them. You weren't sure what was going on so you said it somewhat happy. But you were also really confused on why these people wanted to know. You thought that the people - including your brother - wanted to do what Danny had done. But Liam quickly assured you that they were only trying to help you. Soon enough Danny was behind bars and pressed with charges.

LOUIS: (Age 18) "C'mon y/n we should go out." Louis said sitting down on your bed. Ever since you were raped you didn't come out of your room. Your food was brought up to you, and if you had to go to the bathroom them you would quickly run across the hall. "No." Your voice was hoarse. "W-we can't... It's too uhm d-da-dangerous." "I'll protect you." "That's what you said last time." You tried to blink away the tears. "Y/n what do you mean?" "You told me you would protect me.. Well look where the fuck that got me Louis!" You rarely blew up on your brother; this time you didn't care. "Y/n... I wasn't there to stop it I.." "You're never fucking there or here Louis.. Why? Why don't you just go hang out with your mates." "Y/n fucking listen to me!" "No!" You were full on crying now. "I don't want to fucking listen Louis... I just want to be alone."

HARRY: (Age 16) You'd ended up calling Zayn, you didn't like feeling alone. Especially since you lived with only Harry. You didn't really know where the hell he had gone or what he was doing. You had a gut feeling that it had something to do with John. You sat on the couch; explaining everything to Zayn in between sobs. You knew that he would give you good advice and he'd help you. Then them the front door opened and you swore you'd never jumped higher in your life. "Fucking hell." Zayn whispered under his breath as Harry walked in. He had a few cuts on his face and his knuckles were bloody. "What the hell happened mate?" Zayn asked. "That dick I fucking swear.. Such a coward." "Harry what did you do?" You knew your brother had anger problems but you had never experienced them. "Beat the little fuck up. I swear if anyone does that to you again I'm gonna rip their heart out."

NIALL: (Age 13) "Y/n that's the fifth shower you've taken today." "I'm sorry it's just.. I feel so.. Icky?" Honestly, you didn't know how to respond. But it was true you felt disgusting, you couldn't even face a mirror anymore. "Y/n.." He sighed. He sat down next to you on your bed. "I know-" "No you don't know Niall." You turned to face him. "You'll never know." Niall's eyes blurred with tears. That had hit a spot. "You don't know what it's like.. To go through that against your will.. To be tied up-" "Stop." Niall pleaded. "against your will.." "Stop it right now." "To just have pain.. To not be able to fight when he ripped that barrier off.." "Stop y/n!" Niall raised his voice causing you to flinch. "Just.. Stop." His voice cracked.

ZAYN: (Age 4) *After assault* You sat on your mom and dads bed. You were kind of confused on what just happened. But mostly scared. Scared of Rob scared of.. Zayn. In that moment you realized who was caressing you. Rob had tried to do.. That in Zayn's bed. Meaning Zayn would try to do it too. 'Oh my gosh' you thought. You through yourself off Zayn and landed on the floor. Your legs ached so you slowly crawled- clawed your way to the door. "Y/n?" Zayn- possibly the next man to do that - your brother- your own flesh and blood- questioned. Tears kept pouring down your face, they wouldn't stop. Arms went around your waist and you screamed and kicked, with all the four-year-old strength you had. Heels clicked down the hall, most likely your mom. The person who would be your hero tonight. "Y/n?" Your mom walked in. "What happened Z?" Your mom asked the monster who picked you up. "I don't know.. A-all of the sudden she jumped off me. Then I picked her up and- oh my gosh..." He realized what happened. You finally got out of his arms and ran to your mom. "Zayn.." She whispered. You lifted your head from her shoulder. His mouth was agape. That was all you saw until you blacked out...

A/N It's one year since I've been on Wattpad.. And for me, at least, I think I've come far. As I didn't start writing till like three months after? I think. But anyway I would just like to thank you all so much for the votes, comments, and feedback (mostly on this story). Also thank you so much for getting up to 1K reads on my blurbs! Last time I checked I had 1,105 reads and that is a huge deal for me.(even though I don't update as often as I would like) :D I love you all. 💘💘 Please vote and comment? :)))))

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