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*these are all like the first time you get your lovely gift ;(*

LIAM: (Age 11) "Li?" You whimpered and stuck your head around the corner. Liam turned around on the couch. "Yeah honey?" "I-I think I'm dying." Liam furrowed his eyebrows. He got up from the couch. "Why is that?" "I'm bleeding.. D-down there." You whispered with tears in your eyes. You honestly thought you were dying. "Down there?" Liam eyebrows shot up. He knew exactly what you were talking about. You simply nodded. "Come on." He picked you up, bridal style, and took you to the bathroom. He sat you down on the counter then bent down. You crossed your legs uncomfortably. You didn't like the feeling of blood literally gushing out of you- you were a heavy flow. He bent back up after digging around for a few minutes. You were literally so innocent and clueless it kinda astonished Liam. He handed you a piece of what felt like cotton. "Do you know how to use this?" He asked. "No.. What's it even called?" He sighed, this was gonna be harder than he thought. "It's a pad. You peel this back and set it in your underwear. Okay?" "Why do I have to do that?" "It uh," he cleared his throat "it soaks up the blood."

LOUIS (Age 12) "Louis!" You screamed. You had blood rushing down you legs and you didn't know what to do. "Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?" "In here!" He opened up the black bathroom door. "Y/n?" He asked. "Louis.. I'm bl-bleeding." You sobbed. "Dear God.." He breathed under his breath. He left to get you a change of clothes. The he handed you a pad, showed you how to use it, gave you the change of clothes, then he went to his bedroom. Preparing for a movie week.

HARRY: (Age 11) You had just learned about periods recently in school. But you didn't really understand, how come girls had to go through this but guys didn't? It was unfair really. So when you got it you knew what to do; you just didn't have the supplies to do what you gotta do. "Shoot.." You mumbled. You sat in a stall at school. You decided to just stick a nearly folded wad of toilet paper and continue on with the day. But as the day progressed your cramps got worse. You asked your teacher to go to the nurse to which she responded with a yes. Showing the nurse your pink pass she took your temperature and saw that you had a fever. You told her that your parents aren't home, and your sister Gemma was off at college. So the only resource was Harry. After ten minutes he arrived and took you home. "Alright y/n get in bed." Harry sighed he was kinda mad that he had to leave the studio, mostly because his manger was mad at him. You walked into your room and got under your covers. Two hours later you woke up and saw that there was a huge blood stain on your sheets, like anyone, you screamed. Harry came rushing in. "Y/n? What's wrong?" His eyes trailed down to the sheets. Harry mumbled a swear word under his breath; he wasn't fond of swearing in front of you. He sighs and the carefully picks you up and takes you to the bathroom. "Under the cabinet there should be pads.. I'll go get a spare change of clothes." He dismisses himself. After you get cleaned up and situated you go back to Harry's room. There he is laying in his bed on his phone, soon enough you've fallen asleep in his arms.

NIALL: (Age 12) You're in the store shopping with Niall. "What else do we need?" You ask. "Uhh. I think just milk mum said." Niall responds, he's a few steps behind you; just to make sure he doesn't lose you. He follows you to the milk isle, then he picks out a jug of milk and sets in into the trolley. You walk past him and his eyes bulge. "Uhh. Y/n." "Yeah?" You ask not bothering to turn around. You decide to just continue walking to the registers. Niall runs up behind you and shrugs off his jacket; quickly tying it around you. "Niall what are you doing?" You stop and turn around. "I think you've started your period love.." He whispers. He looks at you waiting for your reaction. . You blush a bright red which earns a chuckle from Niall. "That's so embarrassing." You whisper back.

ZAYN: (Age 11) You had lived with Zayn for about a month now. One day Zayn walks into your room to change the sheets, but instead he finds a big red spot. "Y/n?" He calls walking out of your room. "Were you bleeding this morning?" He asks once he finds you in the kitchen. "Yeah I must've picked a scab last night, I'm fine." You said. He just nodded his head. He knew you were lying but he didn't question it further. Later that day he walks into the bathroom to find a pad wrapper on the counter. The only person who could've left it there would've been you. He sighs and shakes his head. When he tucks you into bed that night- yes you still got tucked in- he brought it up. "So y/n I found a surprise on the bathroom counter earlier." "W-what?" You stutter trying to not make it obvious. "Why did you lie? I wouldn't of laughed at you. It's normal... Where did you even get them from?" Your face turned a bright red. "P-Perrie.."

P.S. Like the new cover??

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