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What is this? AN UPDATE!!!!!¿¿/$/8/ Yes it is and I know I haven't updated in like 2839292928388292929229912983736446738392290129938746567783920 years. Which I am so very sorry for... SO HERE IT IS :)

LIAM: (Age 5) "C'mon y/n the ocean isn't that scary!" Liam tried to encourage you. "No no. There's sharkies in the." You crossed your arms and shook your head. "But look," Liam pointed to your sisters, "Ruth and Nicola are having fun." "No. I stay here." You stomp, "I want mummy and daddy." Your eyes watered. Liam sighed. "Y/n, mum and dad are on a date.. C'mon how bout we just play in the sand?" You smiled, finally getting your way. "C'mon Lee let's build castles!" You said as you collected your buckets and shovels.

LOUIS: (Age 18) "Mum do I really have to share with Louis?" You groaned. "Yes darling, this will be good bonding time for the both of you." You frowned but walked into the room across the hall. Where Louis was. You and Louis never got along, as kids, even now you two didn't. You don't know why but you felt as if Louis hated you. I mean he sure acted like it. "Shut the door y/n." He grumbled. "Why are you always in a bad mood? This is vacation for Pete's sake! You're suppose to be happy, not a little bitch." You sat on the other side of the only bed that was in the room. "Just shut the fuck up y/n. I'm not happy about this either." "Of course you're not, cause you fucking hate me." He huffed. "I don't hate you y/n-" "You sure act like it." "Well I don't." "That's the best answer you can give?" You almost wanted to laugh. "That's so pathetic. I mean that's not the so called 'love' you show for Lottie or anyone else in this fucking family! You know what I'm sharing a room with mum. One of the twins can deal with you."

HARRY: (Age 15) "Why did we come here if you didn't wanna come?" Your mum asked. "I've told you before I don't like mountains. But it's okay, you guys go enjoy yourself. I'll tan on the porch or something." You replied. "Sweetie, I dint want you staying alone." "I'll stay with her," Harry piped in "I twisted my ankle the other day on stage. This will give me time to rest it before dinner." "You're a lifesaver Harry, c'mon Gemma let's go! Keep an eye on her Harry." Harry turned to you. "What do ya wanna do?" He asked. "I'd rather just sit and watch tv, rather then do something." "Y/n we're in the mountains! Let's go walk trails c'mon it'll be fun." He pulled you up. You sighed, "Fine."

NIALL: (Age 23) "Why can't you go on the roller coasters y/n?" Your mum questioned again. "Yeah, this is a family vacation, I understand why your fiancé can't be here but seriously? Don't mope around because of it." Niall added. "That's not the reason why Niall." You frowned. "Then why not?" Your mum questioned. "Well I wanted Nate to be here but... I'm pregnant."

ZAYN: (Age 19) "But we're at the beach y/n. You cannot back out now." Zayn said. He stayed back with you while the rest of the family went to swim. "I never said you couldn't swim, go ahead I'm a big girl now." You stated sarcastically. "Y/n seriously. Why can't you swim?" "Cause I just ate you lied." He crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow. "I can tell you're lying y/n, I'm not stupid." "If I tell you then you're going to make fun of me." "No I'm not." "Why do you wanna know you can't even swim." "So.. I'm learning." "I'm not telling you." "Please." He whined following you out of the room.

Instagram: ipreferences

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