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"Sydney!" The young boy of seven complained. "I don't want to look at dumb stupid books."

"They can't be dumb stupid books if they make you smarter." The boy's big sister stated.

The auburn haired boy, Rio crossed his arms.

"I'll just be a second." She said.

Defiantly, Rio followed her into the book store.

Sydney led her brother into the young adult section and started pulling out random books on the shelf.


But she didn't reply.


"Sydney!" Rio decided to shout his third attempt to get her attention.

"Heavens, you're so freaking annoying, Rio. What do you want?" Sydney scowled down at him.

"I just want to look around." He shrugged.

"Fine, I don't care. But don't leave the store, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Rio wandered off until he found himself in the picture book section. He grabbed a book and flicked through it.

Even picture books are boring, he thought.

He walked down the next aisle and spotted a young boy around his age sitting on a couch reading.

Rio, because he just couldn't help himself, walked up to the boy and said, "Reading sucks."

The boy looked up at Rio and frowned. "Oh yeah. Well, you suck even more."

Rio did not like the fact that someone had just insulted him.

Not knowing what to do he huffed and grabbed the book out of the boy's hands.

"Hey, give that back to me!" He shouted.

"No, no, no," Rio sang teasingly.

Suddenly, Rio stumbled and fell on his backside when the boy decided to push him over.

He tried to snatch the book out of Rio's hands, but failed.

Sydney appeared and said,
"Rio, what are you doing on the ground? Get up we are leaving."

"But, that boy is picking on me." Rio accused.

Sydney looked over at the other unfamiliar little boy not knowing what to do. This was another mother's child; who was she to tell him off?

"He took my book and won't give it back." Said the boy.

"Your book? It's the store's book," Rio said.

"Well, it's not going to be soon, since I'm going to buy it." The little boy smirked.

"You need to give it back to him." Sydney told her brother.

Reluctantly, Rio handed over the book.

"Your brother is stupid." The boy said to Sydney.

Sydney shook her head and laughed. "Trust me, I know."

"Hey!" Rio yelled, offended.

But she was already walking out of the book store.

Rio grumbled as he chased after her.


Considering it was Rio's very first day of school he should've been nervous. But no, he was buzzing with energy and excitement.

"Be good, okay? You're now a big boy. I'll be back to pick you up when school is over, alright?" His mother told him.

He grinned up at his mum, "I am always good!"

She smiled back at her son. "I love you."

"Love you too, Mumma." Rio said.

The first hour of school was boring. Rio sat on the floor with the rest of the students. He couldn't stop fidgeting as the teacher went over introductions and rules. He was mostly zoned out for all of it.

When the teacher announced that they could find a seat Rio was thrilled. He scrambled up from the mat, over to a desk with a blue chair behind it and sat down.

Another boy sat down in the seat next to him.

Rio tapped the boy and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Rio! It's my first day."

The boy turned and said grumpily, "It's all our first day. Wait, I know you."

Oh, it was the the boy reading from the book store the other day.

But no matter anymore.

"Want to be friends?" Rio asked.

The other boy looked down confused, remembering back to when the boy had been rude to him the other day when all he was trying to do was read.

"Fine," He said.

"Yay! So what's your name?" Rio questioned.

"I'm Declan."

"Okay, Declan. You're now my bestest friend." Rio said happily.

Declan smiled a little at that.

He was a bit nervous because of his first day and he didn't know anyone, All he wanted to do was go back home.

But at least now he had a friend.


Okay, so this is my new story! I'm pretty excited about it. I hope you all will love it.
Please, vote and comment, thanks.

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