4. Declan

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"Do you think that maybe she's decided not to come?"

That's the third time Rio had asked me that in the span of ten minutes. I looked over at Rio and sighed, starting to get frustrated. He hadn't stopped fidgeting as we were getting ready for tonight's game. It was obvious that he was really nervous because he invited that girl, Eyelet to watch the game, but she hasn't arrived yet.

"Maybe, but you got to stop worrying. Noah will be pissed if your head's not in the game," I told him.

Noah was our rugby team captain and as nice of a guy he is, he gets really frustrated and angry when one of our team members aren't playing to their full potential.

If Eyelet didn't show up, I could only imagine how devastated Rio would be and that would effect how he'd play. He raked a hand through his auburn hair. He shook his head, probably just trying to clear his thoughts.

I don't know why Rio was so worried about this girl that he's only just met. At first I was glad to listen to him talk about this girl he's taken a liking to, since he's never really been interested in dating. Now, I just want him to be quiet about it. It's all he's blabbing on about lately. I feared that he was becoming too attached already.

I'm trying to be happy for him, really. I don't think Rio has had a crush on anyone before. As daunting as having crushes were, there were also supposed to be an exciting experience and I shouldn't be anything but encouraging towards him. Although, I wouldn't actually know, as I've never experienced the feeling of have a crush either.

As much as Rio liked Eyelet, I didn't. I'm not sure why. Maybe I just don't like the fact that Rio likes her. But I can't complain about the girl when I know hardly anything about her. So far, she's proven to be nice and I could see why Rio was fascinated with her, she's very pretty.

It turned out that Rio was worried about nothing. Eyelet arrived, although she was late. Rio was over the moon.

It was a tough game. The team we played against was one of our biggest rivals. They were competitive players that had a knack for being a little too violent at times. Overall, we won by 6 points. Not much but enough.

When the game was over Rio flipped across the field. Literally. He did a neat round off and followed through with a backwards layout. Most likely showing off to Eyelet. Perks of nine years of gymnastics training.

Rio had quit gymnastics about three years ago. His parents made him quit so he could focus more on school. He was still as fit, strong, and not to mention flexible as ever. I don't know how he could slide down into the splits so casually.

What made Rio so into gymnastics in the first place, was his ADHD. He was so hyperactive. It seemed that training to do tricks that could kill you tired him out. But gymnastics started to take a toll on his life. His grades were plummeting and spending too much time on gymnastics was the cause. He was upset about it for a long time. But his parents insisted. Because of his ADHD he had to work harder than most people to understand things and focus completely. So with gymnastics out of the way, he became more concentrated on his studies. Well, I don't think that has worked out too great, since he was just caught cheating the other day.

Last year Rio's parents suggested that he could take up a hobby. He had heard about rugby tryouts and forced me to try out with him, much to my reluctance. We both found out that we actually quite enjoyed playing the sport. That's how we are here, today, competing for the school.


After a winning game, it was practically tradition for the team to go to our favourite casual diner only about a kilometre away from the school.

It was a local Italian restaurant named Mamma Cuisina's. It was quite casual. The place had a good reputation for pizza, which was the main reason us guys came here. Just for the pizza. Ask any one of us and we probably couldn't pronounce majority of the Italian dishes listed on the menu.

The team loved it here. The atmosphere is great, decent pricing and delicious food.
Sometimes it was too crowded for my liking, but I learned to deal with it.

Unfortunately, Rio invited Eyelet along tonight.

When we come to Mamma Cuisina's, it's usually just the team. Occasionally, Emma and her friends would tag along. They invited themselves. But the only girl here tonight amongst us boys was Eyelet.

I watched as Rio slid into one of the booths next to his other close friend, Ryan. I made my way over to sit next to Rio as well but Eyelet cut me off, sliding her fat fucking ass next to Rio.


Well, I'm sure she's not actually a bitch. Her ass isn't fat either. There's just something about her I don't like. I just don't understand it.

"Declan, mate! Come sit 'ere." Bradley offered me a seat next to him, across from Rio.

There were no seats closer to Rio, so it looks like I'll be stuck with Bradley.

I watched on as Rio and Eyelet flirted with each other. It was painful to watch. My face was screwed up at Eyelet, and every time she started to twirl her hair. I swear I felt my right eye twitch. I don't know how Ryan, Bradley, and Chris (another teammate that was sitting at our table) didn't find their displays of affection as sickening as I did.

"Dude, we just won a game and we are eating glorious food; you're just sitting with a scowl on your face." Bradley said.

"Yeah, you look grumpy as fuck," Chris said.

"Shut up, Chris. No one asked for your opinion." I told him.

He raised his hands up in surrender. " Woah, chill."

Rio gave me a look that basically said, 'Fucks up with you, bro?

I suppose my snapping was uncalled for. I didn't want to bring the guys down with my terrible mood.

A phone buzzed.

"Oooh, that's mine," Eyelet squealed and snatched it off the table were it had been placed.

"Guys, I need to go," She announced, making Rio pout. "Family crisis."

Oh, what a shame.

Okay, maybe Chris was right. I need to chill.


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