7. Rio

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Declan has been distant lately. I've been trying to decide whether that is a bad thing.

The thing is, Declan is trying his hardest to act like everything is normal with him. It's not, I can tell.

Sometimes I catch him staring at me. He would be looking at me in a way I've never seen before. A different look would be in his eyes. I didn't like it. It seemed that he didn't like this new way he was looking at me either. The way he looked at me sometimes was confusing.

I may be mentally slow and lack concentration, but when it came to Declan I made sure I knew everything. So what was I missing this time?

"Are you thinking about him again?" Eyelet asked, snapping me out of my Declan-clouded thoughts.

I nodded.

"Well, from what I can tell you guys are joined at the hip. I'm sure you two will be okay," she said.

"Yeah, I suppose. I just wished I knew what was going on with him. Dec doesn't open up much but he always opens up to me... eventually," I told her.

"Maybe he's just taking longer time to figure it out. Maybe he doesn't even know himself what is going on." Eyelet gently placed her hand on my forearm.

I smiled at the contact. "Yeah, that's a possibility."

Things haven't been the same since the party we went to two weeks ago.

I know we were both drunk and frustrated at each other. I also know that I shouldn't have asked him to come to a party that he didn't even want to go to and then not hang out with him. I admit I was wrong on that one.

I got caught up with Eyelet.

After the party, when we arrived at his house I asked him if he liked Eyelet and was jealous of me. He gave me the silent treatment, storming out of the room leaving me sitting on his bed alone.

About ten minutes later he came back with water and a large packet of Doritos for us to share, and put on a movie.

We sat silently watching the moving until we both fell asleep.

That wasn't uncommon for Declan to give me the silent treatment when he was bothered. It just usually lasted about a 24 hours. However this time, it was longer.

Although he was still speaking to me and sometimes making jokes and laughing with me, I could tell something wasn't wrong. He just seemed so dull.

Ugh! Why does he have to be so moody?

A few of the guys on the rugby team joke around that he's PMS-ing from time to time.

Declan would be so pissed if he heard that.

"I'm going to ask if he wants to come over tomorrow arvo. Maybe things will clear up if we spend some time together outside of school." I mentioned to Eyelet.

"That's a good idea. Maybe you guys might have a heart-to-heart," she said with a smile.

"Possibly. Neither of us are really guys that have heart-to-hearts though."

"Well, I hope everything goes well between you two."

I grinned. "Thanks."

I was starting to really like Eyelet. She was kind and genuine. She wasn't like the other girls who were attention seeking and had fake personalities.

I mean, there were plenty of other girls in the school that were nice like Eyelet, but they never caught my interest, not in the way Eyelet has.

If I was to ask her on a date, what would she say?

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