9. Rio

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I was currently on my first date. Well, finishing up my first date.

Eyelet and I were sitting in her car outside Declan's house, talking and giggling with one another.

I know, trust me, it was pretty lousy that my date had to drive me around. When it was my own arrangement, and I'm the guy here! Although, I didn't really think it was a big deal letting her drive.

Wait, I didn't have a choice. She had to drive, because I didn't have a license. If I did, I would've loved to have been the one driving her around instead.

I got her to drive me back to Declan's house, because before I went on the date we had a little fight. He's just such bastard at times. But I still wanted to come over and sort things out.

I smiled over at Eyelet. She looked stunning tonight. Her wild curly hair was a big beautiful frizz, that matched  her fierce eyes. She was wearing a little pastel blue dress, that complimented her skin colour nicely.

I reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear. Let's face it, I've always wanted to do that just like in movies. She smiled shyly at me.

"I feel giddy around you," she said.

"Me too, I've never felt like this before," I replied.

This was probably my most intense crush I've had in my life so far.

I've liked girls before. But not like this. This was different, better.

"I had a good time with you tonight." I told her.

"So did I. I think it was decent enough for a second date." She hummed, with a smirk.

"Oh, really now?" I chuckled. "It was only just 'decent', aye?"

Eyelet laughed softly in my ear and we suddenly caught eye contact.

I knew what was going to happen now and I think she knew too.

We both leaned in and closed our eyes just before our lips met.

The contact was light and sweet. In a way I felt kind of weightless. Like I was walking on air, as cheesy as it sounds.

When we leaned back, I put a hand on her knee and said, "You're so beautiful."

She was grinning ear to ear. "Stop, you're making me feel mushy."

"I never thought that someone telling me that I made them feel mushy, was actually going to make me feel good," I laughed.

"Don't make fun of my word choices!"

We were quiet after that, but it was comfortable silence.

Until I broke it, "I should head inside. Thanks for a good night, I'll see you later okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah"

I lent over and gave her a peck on a the cheek before getting out.

I'm sure I had a goofy look on my face as I watched her drive off and as I walked up to Dec's house.

Turning the torch light on, on my phone, I tried finding the key the spare key Declan left at my house once and I never gave back to him, in my wallet.

I tried to be quiet, as I didn't want to wake up his parents. They always seemed to go to sleep early.

I lightly opened up the door to his room and found him sitting on his bed reading some massive book. He had his glasses on, which I rarely saw. I liked catching him in moments like this.

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