10. Declan

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"You need to step up your game. You're starting to slip and we can't have that." Noah, the captain of the football team was telling me.

To be honest, I was trying my hardest to listen. But all I could see and hear were Rio and Eyelet flirting from down the hall.

"I don't really know what's happening with you, man. Coach told me to talk to you. He thought you'd prefer to hear it from me." Noah said.

Well, Coach was wrong. I wouldn't rather hear it from Noah.

Noah was a great guy, and he was an even better captain. The dude was just too high and mighty, though. He was damn good at just about everything. Rio had often told me he thought Noah was superhuman or something.

"Oi, Declan?"

My eyes focused back on Noah.

"Are you hearing me?"

"Yeah, I am," I said. "Look, give me some time I'll be back on track soon. I'm just going through a hard time."

"Yeah, I get it. I'm here for you, you know that right?" He told me.

"Of course." I responded.

He patted my shoulder before walking off.

Now that he was gone, all my attention went back to Rio.

I sighed and leaned against my locker.

It seemed that he was on cloud nine since his date. Often wearing a goofy smile and all hyped up. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing him happy. I reckon' he'd be happier with me though.

I don't necessarily mean that as a more than friends way either. I just mean it as if Rio were spending the same amount of time with me as he did before Eyelet came along, I could be making sure he'd have a better time with me, instead of her.

Rio turned around and his gaze met mine, which I liked. I liked how after all this time, it was like we could feel each other's eyes on one of us. He winked and sent me a cheesy grin.

I smiled back, but it probably came out a little strained.

Things weren't so tense between us at the moment, which I was thankful for. We'd never had any serious arguments and I didn't want this to cause the first big one between us.

But I was still beyond confused. Although, I'm trying my best to hide it.

All my life, girls were what interested me. Everything I did was to try and impress girls. But it always felt out of obligation that I did these things. Because it's what is "expected". Now, I've come to the realisation that I've always been trying to impress Rio as well.

My sexuality, on the other hand... I don't know exactly. Except that I'm not straight. Maybe I was bi.

I've never been so scared of something in my life. I would like to believe I was bisexual, that way I could still have a heterosexual relationship. That way I wouldn't even have to tell anyone that I'm bi if I fell in love with a nice girl. No one would have to know I was anything but straight.

That's not that case. I don't think I'm bisexual and you can fucking cross straight off the list.

I've heard of other sexualities, not that I know what they are. Now I'm left with the thought that I have to do some research into this stuff.

The school bell rang, signalling that it was class time. I sighed because I can't focus on any of my school work. I just need time to think.

I looked back over to Rio and he was already making his way towards me.

My heart sped up and that's when I knew I couldn't deny it any longer.

In a span of a few weeks I've suddenly gained a crush on my best friend.

There, I said it. I completely admit to myself that I like Rio.

"Hey, Dec," he greeted me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

He let out a content sigh and said, "Man, Eyelet's amazing. I just want to spend all my time with her."

I briefly wondered about all the girls I've been with. Have I felt the way Rio feels about Eyelet with any of those girls?

Nope. Nor could I see myself ever feeling that way with any girl.

What about with another guy that isn't Rio?

Possibly, actually, I don't know. Urgh. This was all too confusing.

I thought about the guys on my team. I knew there were some really good looking guys on the team, that I wasn't denial about. The thought of doing anything sexual with a guy didn't disgust me as much as I thought it would, and I practically craved Rio lately.

Sex had always just been sex to me. Nothing more, nothing less. I was only focused on my pleasure. Sure, I wanted my partner to feel good, but I was my own top priority.

So I think that sums it up. I wouldn't mind having sex with a guy as long as I was getting some sort of pleasure out of it.

Being in a relationship was a whole other story. It's something I haven't experienced or ever wanted to, until now. I wanted someone to spend my time with in a romantic way, but I wanted to be friends with them first. I feel as though that would be the best way for me to establish a relationship.

Maybe that's why my stupid brain has decided, that out of all the people on the planet, Rio was the one I was interested in. Because he's my best friend and I've been friends with him for so long. There's nobody that knows me better. Not even my parents.

Yeah. That's it. I like the idea of crushing on someone I was once  friends with first.

"Declan, are you listening to me?" Rio asked.

Yes, I heard him. I just didn't how to respond to him, when he's talking about a topic I'm not, whatsoever, passionate about. That topic being Eyelet.

I nodded.

"Okay, so as I was saying," he rambled on, "I think she's amazing and I want you to see that too. I know you aren't keen on her, but maybe if we spent some time together, you could see that she's actually great for me!"

No. Nooooo. I don't want to spend time with them both.

"I think we should go on a double date!" He announced.

"Huh?" I was dumbfounded.

"Declan, I asked before if you were listening to me. Do I really have to repeat all that?"

I sighed. "I heard you, I just don't think that would be a good idea."

"Please, we can go to Mumma Cuisina's. I know how much you love that place," he said.

That I do.

"Even if I did want to go, which I don't. I have no interest in seeing you and Eyelet being revoltingly cute.  I don't have anyone to take with me," I told him.

"If you come out with us. You can choose anyone. I'll even pay for your meal."

Okay, so a free meal from my favourite diner didn't sound too bad. Also, he did say I could pick anyone I wanted.

So why not pick someone that I know Eyelet wouldn't like?

"Okay, fine. As long as you pay for me," I said.


Hey guys! It has been a while but here's an update. Let me know what you think!

Love you all lots, and thanks for sticking by ;)

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