3. Rio

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My concentration was currently on my school work that I was trying extra hard to complete. But hearing the sound of excited, muffled voices was an easy distraction.

"Woah, she's quite pretty."

Peaking my interest, I turned to my friend, Ryan and asked him what was going on.

"Her. She's new and pretty." He pointed at a curly haired brunette.

I had surprised myself with just how hard I must've actually been working. I didn't even notice the unfamiliar person standing at the front of the classroom next to my English teacher.

She was tall and had a big smile on her face.

"I'm Eyelet, I just moved here from Nevada." She said when the teacher asked her to introduce herself.

"Wow, that's quite a long way to move to the other side of the world," the teacher said.

Oh, an American girl. Sweet.

"Have a seat, Eyelet." The teacher insisted.

There was a spare desk to the left of me and one in front. My wishful thinking had me hoping she takes the one next to me.

Eyelet walked over towards me and Ryan's direction with a pile of books stacked up in her arms.

"Hi," Ryan greeted her from behind me.

She smiled politely and whispered a 'hey' in response.

Okay my turn.

"Hey, I'm Rio," I said. "You can take the desk next to me."

I didn't miss scowl that suddenly formed on Ryan's face.

"Okay. Thank you, Rio." She went to sit down. But her chair got pulled out by the girl behind her.

I tried to warn her, "Eyel-"

But she fell straight on her ass, her face reddening in embarrassment.

The girl behind her, Emma, the school's bitch, snickered along with a few other classmates. It shocked me how nasty and childish people could be.

"Here." I held out my hand to her and lifted her to her feet.

"Thanks," She whispered still blushing. She then adjusted the plaid skirt of her school uniform.

The smile I saw at the beginning of the lesson was replaced with a frown, as she hid behind her hair the rest of the lesson.


"Hey, dude!" I came bouncing up to Declan.

"What's got you in such a good mood, huh?" He asked.

I looked over to where Eyelet was standing and pointed. "Her."

He gave a short glance in her direction. "New girl, huh?"

"Yeah. Her names Eyelet. I asked her if she wanted to sit at our table. Her answer was yes," I told him.

He nodded.

"You know Emma? Of course you do, you've probably slept with her. Yeah, well she pulled Eyelet's chair out from underneath her so she fell."

Declan smirked.

"It's not funny, it was mean." I whacked him in the arm.

The truth is Emma was known for being a bitch. But Declan had claimed she wasn't all that bad. He said that after he had slept with her. I knew Declan didn't have feelings for her. He never grew attachments to any girls. Declan had also said that Emma had a troubled home life and she had started admitting things about her personal life to Declan after they'd had sex.

I think Declan would almost consider her a friend. Although he'd deny it.

I didn't like Emma. I didn't like any of the girls Declan had slept with.

Everyone seemed to hate Emma. But that was her fault. Everyone seemed to dislike Declan. But that was their fault.

Declan was rebellious, quiet and can be a little rude, so that seemed like a good enough excuse to not talk to him.

I suppose he likes it that way. He's not really social. Only letting me be his friend.

That's alright, though. I'm kind of selfish. I only want him to be my friend.

I got to see the sweet and caring side of him.

Like right now. He's smiling, seeming genuinely happy for me.

"You haven't really taken interest in anyone before. Get to know her, then ask her out." He said.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I think Ryan might like her too."

"Screw him, go get her."

Typical Declan.


I was buzzing from excitement for tonight's game.

To me rugby was just a hobby. I loved it, but I didn't want to make a career out of it.

I knew Declan felt the same.

I planned on choosing a career that had something to do with animals. I just don't know what.

I had gotten home from school about 2 hours ago so I could get ready for tonight.

I had asked Eyelet to come and thankfully she said she would.

My phone beeped so I grabbed and checked it.

Eyelet: What do I wear?

Really? Am I the fashion police?

Me: Clothes.

Eyelet: Oh yes, thanks for telling me. I would have totally come naked.

Me: That would've been a bad idea. Not appropriate for a school sporting game. But hey, I know I wouldn't complain.

Eyelet: My gosh.

Me: ;)

Eyelet: :| I'll see you there, Rio.

Smiling, I threw my phone on my bed.

I walked over to my fish tank to feed the fish. It was a marine aquarium and I was pretty happy with the set up. I was fortunate to have selected fish that lived together in harmony.

I then fed my turtle. His name was... Turdle. Don't judge, I was nine.

I had always fed the fish and Turdle in the afternoon. The other animals just in the morning.

I had so many animals because they seemed to calm me. I was a hyperactive kid. Always bouncing from wall to wall. When I was seven I was diagnosed with ADHD. It doesn't bother me too much. I just struggled to sit still and concentrate. When my body wasn't active - which was rarely - my brain was. I am always, as my mum put it, "off with the fairies."

I could sit and stare at my fish for hours and just concentrate on them. Or I could lay down and cuddle with my cat, Tabby. Or do homework with my birds on my shoulder. Or sit in the floor and watch my turtle crawl around. I'd be completely content sitting still and watching them. I didn't even fidget.

I was always really settled around animals. I loved them to bits.

A knock came on my door.

"You need to be there in ten minutes, Rio," My sister said.

Shit, I need to get ready faster.


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