Chapter 2

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After some pestering, I managed to get Gideon and Pacifica to come with me to the show. When we left to head to the Tent of Telepathy, I noticed something unusual in front of the shack.

They were black footprints, and they looked like they'd been burned into the grass and dirt. Gideon, Pacifica, and I stopped in our tracks.

"Who...?" Gideon muttered, flipping through a book that had a six-fingered hand shape on the cover. Pacifica shrugged, and I continued staring at the footprints. They got to the porch and then stopped. Gideon couldn't find out what the deal was with the footprints, so he insisted that we all head to the Tent of Telepathy before all the good seats were taken.

We'd managed to find pretty good seats in the third row. Dipper and Mabel were on stage, watching all the people crowding into the tent. Our eyes met again, and Dipper winked. I blushed. Dipper disappeared behind the curtain with a flirtatious smirk on his face. Mabel followed him, and the lights dimmed.

A fog machine spat a creepy mist onto the stage while the curtains opened to reveal the twins striking a pose. "Hello, everyone!" Dipper crowed to the audience. "Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy! We hope you enjoy our show!" Dipper stepped back while Mabel grabbed three knives from a nearby table. She held them flat in her palm until the knives suddenly glowed blue and the knives levitated into the air.

Then, targets swung down from the top of the tent and the knives whizzed to them. A perfect bulls-eye for each of them. The audience applauded as Dipper took the stage.

Dipper grinned as two swords rose from the stage and started to spin. They whooshed across the tent and eventually pierced a target at the very top before vanishing without a trace. The audience applauded again before more dangerous stunts were pulled.

After a few more stunts, Dipper shushed the audience and asked for a volunteer. Practically the whole tent raised their hands. "Put your hands down," Dipper said. "Remember, Mabel and I are psychic, so we know who wants to volunteer and who doesn't." The hands came down, and Dipper scanned the audience. Our eyes met, and he smiled.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" he called. My face went aflame and I slowly stood up. Dipper motioned for me to go to the stage.

As I stepped onto the stage, I felt thousands of eyes looking at me. At this point, it felt like my entire body was heating up. Gideon's and Pacifica's faces stood out from the crowd, and they were both gaping at me. I had no idea why. I looked at Dipper and Mabel, who were also staring at me. Correction: they were staring at my feet. I looked down.

The stage under me was burning. With a startled yelp, my feet fell through the ground and before I knew it, my feet were through the stage floor and I could've sworn the wood had scratched my legs in at least five different places.

The audience applauded, as if all this was part of the show. I sheepishly laughed and climbed out of the floor, playing along. I noticed that there were two boxes on the stage. Based on Dipper's expression, I figured I should climb into a box.

"For this trick," Dipper announced, "we'll use magic to teleport (Y/N) from this box..." he stood in front of the box I was in, "...into this one!" Dipper walked away from my line of sight. I knew this magic trick. It was simple and every magician did it. Soon, a trapdoor would open under me, and I'd simply walk under the floor to the other box. I looked at the floor, waiting for the trapdoor to open.

It didn't.

Instead, the wind was literally squeezed out of me. A blinding blue light filled my vision and I couldn't scream. Heck, I couldn't even breathe. When I could see again, I gasped for air and leaned against the wall of the box I was now in. The front of the box opened, and I managed to stagger out before Dipper caught me. By then my vision was blurred, and I could barely stand up. I managed to look at the applauding audience with a faint smile.

When I regained my strength, I managed to walk back to my seat. Gideon and Pacifica were both staring at me. I plopped onto the seat and numbly watched the rest of the show.

I was able to regain the rest of my strength by the end of the show, and I also wanted some answers. Something was obviously off about these two. I decided to confront the twins after the show.

"What in the world was that?!" I yelled after everyone left.

"Magic," Dipper replied tersely.

" squeezed the air out of me! You literally teleported me! Tell me what's going on! Now!" I stared them both down.

Dipper sighed. "(Y/N)," he said, slowly approaching, "I'm sorry I have to do this, but..."

He didn't finish, and I didn't see what he did next. Pain hit me everywhere like I was getting poked by thousands and thousands of needles. I screamed. My legs grew numb, and my body fell, limp, on the ground. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Mabel's sinister snickering.

The next morning I woke up on the ground. "Ugh..." I groaned groggily. "What happened..."

Then I remembered. I shook the memory away and decided to head back to the Mystery Shack. On the way there, I thought about Dipper and the way he acted after the show. I was so confused.

I was unusually paranoid and I would constantly perk up every time someone even seemed to be approaching me. I would always expect a bad outcome if I talked to someone, so I was silent on the way home. I was aware of every person, every movement, every sight, and every sound that touched my senses.

However, I was totally unaware that I left behind black footprints as I walked...

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