Chapter 10

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I didn't wake to the sun streaming in through the window, as I'd expected, but to someone vigorously shaking my shoulder. And, oddly, I wasn't on the couch, but on a blanket on the floor.
"Hands off," I muttered sleepily, shrugging the hand off. "I want to sleep some more."
A familiar voice ripped me out of my half-asleep trance. "We have a show this afternoon, and you need to prepare."
I bolted into a sitting position and found myself at Dipper's feet. After sleeping on the floor for who-knows-how long, pain shot through my head like lightning because of the sudden movement, but it went away quickly and it didn't bother me too much. What did bother me, however, was the fact that I was in Dipper's room.
"Ugh, Dipper..." I moaned, "why am I in your room?"
Dipper laughed darkly. "Would you prefer the basement?"
I stood up and stretched. "Actually, yes, I would prefer anywhere other than your room." The Gleefuls' basement was stony and cold, and it was silent except for footsteps from the floor above.
A sly grin etched itself on Dipper's face. "I'll keep that in mind. Next time, maybe I can persuade Mabel to let you in her room instead."
"That's even worse!" I protested. Then I thought about what I'd said. "No, actually, staying in your room is worse than staying in your sister's. But I refuse to stay in either of your rooms, because there's the possibility of you guys killing me in my sleep!"
The smirk on Dipper's face melted into a serious expression. "(Y/N), what am I going to have to do to get you to trust me? I've let you perform, I've let you know of your magic, and I even let you and the dream demons go. What else do you want from me?"
I tore my eyes away from Dipper's face and looked at the floor. Maybe he wasn't such a bad person after all. Then again, he and Mabel had imprisoned an innocent dream demon and forced him to be a prop for their magic shows. That wasn't good. And the twins had imprisoned me, too.
I was torn. Should I trust Dipper? Should I hate him? Should I kick him out of my life and forget he and Mabel ever existed? I looked up at Dipper's face, returning his gaze. "I don't know!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air and plopping onto Dipper's bed. "I don't know if I should trust you or hate you, and I just..." I had an elbow on my knee and my hand was propping my head up, and I was about to put my other hand on the bed when Dipper grabbed my wrist.
"Don't touch the bed," Dipper said sternly. Earlier his gaze was soft, like he wanted me to trust him and care about him. Now it was hard, like something bad would happen if I didn't do as he said. I felt heat creeping up into my face and I could feel sweat forming on the back of my neck. I wanted to break away, but Dipper's grip was like iron.
I wanted out. Out of the mansion, out of this ridiculous situation, and out of Dipper's sight. With my other hand, I grabbed Dipper's wrist. He hissed and let go of me. I bolted for the door, but I was roughly yanked back with Dipper's powers. I floated in the air, so I couldn't run away. Dipper pulled me close, and I returned his cold stare.
"Magic is dangerous," Dipper hissed. "You don't have full control over it yet, and that's why Mabel and I want you in our shows in the first place. If you don't cooperate, we'll have to make you cooperate. Understand?"
I nodded, thinking of Will's state when Dipper and Mabel dared to go in his line of vision. Will was broken, and the most I could do for my friends was to not shatter under Dipper and Mabel's torture, no matter how bad it would be.
Dipper dropped me on the floor. "Believe it or not, (Y/N), I trust you. But not enough to leave you on your own knowing you could possibly destroy the whole town and everyone in it. If you want me to trust you enough to wander on your own, you have to trust me, too."
I stayed on the floor, not meeting Dipper's gaze. "I would say that I trust you...but I'm afraid I'd be lying."
"Then you don't trust me?"
"No! I..." I stood up. "I don't know if I should trust you, okay? I've been here for about a month and this is what you did to me in that period of time: you flirted with me, you invited me to your show, you nearly killed me right after the show, you let me be part of your shows, and then two days later you kidnap me and an innocent dream demon because we didn't like what you were doing to Will! Dipper, you seem like a really sweet guy when you want to be. I've trusted you many times and you've broken that trust each time! I just...I don't know what to do..."
My legs gave and I collapsed to my knees. Dipper knelt next to me and brought his hand close as if to comfort me. Too close. I slapped it away. "Don't touch me."

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