Chapter 7

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I woke up, leaning against the wall. Will and Yume were both curled up against me, still sleeping. I smiled and leaned against the wall, staring at nothing in particular.
Suddenly, the door to the basement opened, and light streamed in through the open door. Footsteps followed, and I knew they belonged to the twins. They were both in their performance clothes. I realized I was still in mine.
"I trusted you, Dipper!" I snapped quietly. The Cipher kids were still sleeping. "Why are you two down here?"
"It's showtime, (Y/N)," he said calmly. I felt the color drain from my face.
"There is no way you're doing anything to these two!" I insisted, hugging Will and Yume close to me. "I don't care if they're dream demons, but I'm not letting you use them as props for your ridiculous magic shows!"
Dipper stepped back and let Mabel take over. She snickered as her eyes glowed blue. "If we can't use them...we'll have to use you!"
I was taken to the Tent of Telepathy, backstage. Right after my vision had cleared, my arms were roughly yanked upward. Ropes wound themselves around my wrists and ankles. "Oh, Dipper," Mabel cooed, "you've been trying so hard to find a dance partner...I'm sure (Y/N) would be glad to--"
"Shut up!" Dipper retorted. "Now is not the time!"
Mabel waved her hand around, yanking my body around like I was a large marionette. "Dance, dance!" she crowed, cackling. "Dipper, don't you think she'll do nicely..."
"I said, shut up!" Dipper's shout quieted Mabel, whose grin turned into an annoyed pout.
"I was only trying to have some fun, Dipper," she said. "Don't tell me I can't have fun before the shows! Besides, you're perfectly fine when I play with Will!"
Dipper gave her a humph. "That doesn't matter now. We have a show to put on." The twins disappeared behind the curtain to start their show as I waited with the other props backstage. Targets, weapons, ropes, and other things were scattered in the room around me.
There was no use trying to break the ropes. My arms were raised so high with the ropes that I was hanging a few inches above the ground.
I blocked out the noise on stage. But before I was anywhere close to relaxing, I was whooshed again. Thankfully, I was teleported out of the ropes, but other ropes tied me to the giant star on the stage. Mabel was standing in front of me with a sinister grin on her face. Five knives were in her hand. When Dipper stepped back, Mabel threw all five knives and they all barely impaled my head. The crowd cheered and Dipper took the stage. Using two swords, he hit the star on both sides of my neck. I could even feel the whoosh of the blade flying past.
The ropes were untied, and the audience applauded at the fact that the many blades had not impaled me. The curtains closed, and Dipper and Mabel dragged me backstage again.
"Be glad we didn't actually hit you," Mabel sneered.
Dipper sighed. "Mabel, you really can be irritating sometimes, have you noticed?" he muttered. Mabel responded by sticking out her tongue.
"Anyway," Dipper said, "the show's over." I was taken back to the basement, where Will and Yume were awake now. Yume's lip was trembling.
"Did they hurt you?" she said. It was clear she was worried for me.
I shook my head and smiled. "Not this time," I replied. I knelt down so I was face-to-face with Yume. "Yume, I won't let anyone hurt you and Will, not even the Gleeful twins. Really."
She smiled. "Pinkie promise?" She extended her pinkie finger.
I linked my pinkie with hers. "Pinkie promise."

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