Chapter 9

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After sitting in the basement for who-knows-how-long, my legs were clearly not what they used to be. It had been sunrise when I'd left with Yume and Will. The streets had been pretty much deserted other than the occasional policeman or lost person wandering around. The sky was much brighter now, and many people were walking around now, but it seemed we'd only just entered the busy part of town. My legs felt like wet cement, but they kept moving. I was pretty sure the dream demons with me were tired, too.
"(Y/N), where are we going?" Yume asked.
"We're going to the Mystery Shack," I replied. "If anyone knows how to deal with magic, it'll be Gideon."
Will seemed exhausted, but he managed to speak anyway. "Do you think he can beat the twins if we need him to? Dipper really wants that journal...he keeps saying that Gideon's journal is the key to ultimate power. Not that he'll need it, anyway..."
I thought about that. Maybe the Mystery Shack wasn't the best place to hide from Dipper and Mabel, after all. I didn't want to get Gideon and Pacifica involved with this too much, but did I really have much of a choice? After thinking about it, I realized I didn't.
We sat down at the edge of the sidewalk to rest. I looked around. Buildings were all facing toward the middle of a circle of pavement, and people were walking and talking, with the occasional driver passing by. I guessed we were in the middle of town.
As I looked at our surroundings, two familiar people stood out. As soon as they saw me, they beamed and ran over.
"(Y/N)!" Pacifica squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around me. "I thought you were gone forever!"
Gideon tried to join the group hug, but his arms were too short to make it around all of us. We included him anyway. "(Y/N), what happened?" he asked, obviously worried. "You were gone for so long! We haven't seen you since Dipper and Mabel threw swords and stuff at you at their show! Are you okay?"
I nodded. "I'm fine, but I'm pretty sure these two are exhausted by now...we walked all the way from the Gleeful Mansion..." I looked at Will and Yume, who were both leaning on my shoulders. They both looked half-asleep. Pacifica was kneeling next to Will, hugging him and telling him he was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen. Will smiled and his face slowly turned pink. He'd probably never been called cute before. Gideon was looking at Yume, obviously wondering if it was safe to bring the Cipher kids to the shack.
"Hey, Pacifica!" Gideon said. "What do you say we let them all stay?"
Pacifica, although it seemed impossible, grinned even wider. "Do you mean it?" she asked. "That would be amazing! They're both so adorable! What are they, siblings?"
I nodded. "Yeah, they are. Come on. The twins could be in town any minute. And don't worry about space, I can just sleep on the couch."

We headed to the Mystery Shack, with Pacifica carrying Yume and me carrying Will. Must be nice to be small enough for free piggyback rides. "Dad!" Gideon called when we got home. "We're home! Pacifica and I will be up in our room!"
"Okay!" Gideon's dad called back. "Oh, any sign of your friend? You've been really worried about her lately..."
"Actually, yeah!" Pacifica piped up. "We found (Y/N) in town just now! She's still going to live here, right?"
"Of course!" was the reply. Pacifica grinned and we all went upstairs to our room, taking Yume and Will with us. Thankfully, I hadn't left a trail to the Mystery Shack. It wasn't as though Dipper and Mabel wouldn't be able to find me soon, anyway.
We put Will and Yume on my bed, since they were small enough to fit. Will sucked his thumb while he slept. Pacifica couldn't get over them, she kept wanting to squeeze them like her stuffed animals. Fortunately, Gideon and I managed to persuade her not to touch them because they were probably exhausted and drained from the twins. To be honest, I was tired, too, so I said goodnight to Gideon and Pacifica before heading downstairs to sleep on the couch.

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