Chapter 11

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It kind of flew by. One minute, I was on the floor being furious at Dipper, and the next I was alone in my own room in the Gleefuls' mansion. Guess I'm living with them for a while.
To be honest, it's not really as thrilling as it would seem. I mean, it seems pretty awesome, right? Living in a big, fancy house, with servants ready to follow every order. But the thing is, it's not the same as being with Gideon and Pacifica. The Gleeful twins preferred to be alone and they didn't like to be bothered, except to help me out with my magic. But other than that, I was alone. And I wasn't supposed to leave. Well, except to participate in the twins' shows.
I wandered around the mansion, wondering if there was any possibly way to escape without the twins noticing. They were bound to notice at some point, but I didn't really want them to notice at all.
The thing is, as big as this mansion was, it eventually would feel small in a while. It was starting to feel small already. Not because I knew every place there was to explore, but because I wanted to just be out there. I wanted to be outside, exploring the town with Gideon and Pacifica. But I guess that won't happen now.
Outside of shows, Dipper and Mabel also helped me control my magic every morning. By now I could create rings of fire and shoot fireballs at people. My favorite trick to practice was making a whip of blue flames emerge from my fingertips and try to hit the twins with it. Still kind of a work in progress...
Dipper walked into my room like he did every day. Didn't even bother to knock. "More magic training, I assume?" I asked, standing up.
He shook his head. "Not today," he replied. I sat back down on my messy, unmade bed. He sat next to me and sighed.
"I can help you, (Y/N)," he said. "You just have to trust me. What more do you want?"
I huffed and turned to face him. "I want a lot of things. I want to go outside, I want to be hanging out with Gideon and Pacifica, I want to know if Will and Yume are safe, I want to be out of this mansion forever, and most of all, I just want you to get out of my life and forget I ever came to your shows in the first place."
Dipper smiled warmly at me as I tried to ignore the fact that my ears were turning red. "One, I'm afraid I can't trust you to wander outside without Mabel or me while there's the possibility of you destroying the town. Two, I believe you gave Yume free access to your mind the day you met. Third..."
I waited for a response. "Third, what?" I asked.
Dipper's eyes got a faraway look to them that I didn't know they could have. "Third...I care about you too much to forget you, (Y/N)."
Everything went into chaos. Well, everything in my mind did, at least. The battle that went on before became an all-out war. I could feel my face getting redder and redder. Knowing that I was blushing didn't really help me get rid of the red in my cheeks. Dipper chuckled, obviously amused. I focused on one of the other things I wanted to try to bring my face back to normal.
"W-Well, if I can't go outside without you two, I guess I'll go with you!" I declared. "Even if I'd rather be spending the day just with my friends..."
"Aren't we friends, (Y/N)?" Dipper asked.
"No, Dipper," I replied. "I don't know what you are to me, but one thing's for sure: you are absolutely not my boyfriend. Now come on, I want to spend a good amount of time with Gideon and Pacifica before it gets too dark out. Besides, we have a show tomorrow morning, don't we?"
Dipper sighed as we left for the Mystery Shack.

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