Chapter 4

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I was in the mansion again with Dipper and Mabel. We were deciding what kind of performance clothes I should have.
"I never agreed to taking clothes from Mabel!" I said.
"Oh?" Dipper replied coolly. "Do you happen to have a performance outfit I'm not aware of?" That quieted me and we kept going through Mabel's closet. The whole time, Mabel was grumbling about why she had to be so involved in all this. Dipper quieted her with a glare.
Eventually, we found one of Mabel's spare outfits and decided I should use that for shows. I refused to use high heels for the show (Mabel was relieved at that) so instead they gave me a pair of light blue flats. I tried the clothes on.

"What do you think?" I asked them.
Mabel shrugged, and Dipper gave me a silent nod. So what was the end of the visit...sort of.
While they were taking me outside, I noticed a door I hadn't seen before. "Hey," I pointed out, "what's that?"
Mabel yanked me away. "Nothing for you to know about."
I pulled away from her grasp and ran to the door before they could react. I gripped the doorknob. "What's in here?" I insisted.
Dipper sighed. "Well, you were bound to know, anyway. Might as well..." Dipper held up a hand, which quieted Mabel. She'd looked like she was about to protest.
I opened the door. Through the door was a dark room that had nothing in it but a familiar blue triangle, chained to the wall. He cowered against the wall. A soft blue light emitted from him as well as his chain.
The twins caught up to me. "This is Will Cipher," Dipper said. "He's a dream demon from another dimension. Mabel and I use him as a prop for our shows." Mabel snickered.
"You..." I replied, "you imprison an innocent, defenseless triangle and use him as a prop for your shows? He hasn't done anything to you!"
"Well," Mabel snickered, "this is what we do when he doesn't do as we say." Mabel snapped her fingers, and immediately Will started wailing and screaming. Silver tears leaked out of his single eye.
"Stop!" I yelled, and Mabel stopped. Will, who had been hovering above the ground, now floated to the floor. He cowered in the corner, still crying. He seemed like he was silently begging for Mabel to not do it again. Mabel grinned.
"Well," Dipper said, interrupting the moment, "you're visit here is done, (Y/N). We'll see you tomorrow morning. 8:00, on the dot. Don't be late."
I was then whooshed back to my room in the shack. Gideon and Pacifica weren't there. I guessed they were hanging out in town or something. I decided to hang out indoors for a while. It had been quite some time since my last do-nothing day. I climbed into bed and fell asleep.
I woke up in a blank space. Literally. The whole area was nothing. "Is this a dream?" I said.
Surprisingly, a voice echoed back. "Yes. You were at the Gleefuls' house just now, weren't you?"
I looked around. "Uh...yeah. Why do you ask?"
Instead of a reply, a giggle was heard. "Ooh, I like this place. Can I stay here? Pretty please? Just for a week or so! I promise I won't do anything!"
"Sure?" I replied. "Um...who are you anyway?"
A violet triangle materialized before me. She looked exactly like Will Cipher, except that instead of a top hat, she wore a bow. "The Gleeful twins are psychic," she said. "They'd know if I was in their mind and they'd put me in...that room... Could you...maybe...just let me live in here for a bit so I'm safe?"
"Wait," I replied. "I still don't know who you are!"
"My name is Yume," she said. "I'm a dream demon."
"Do you...have something to do with the Gleeful twins?"
Yume turned away. "Yes..." she answered. She turned back to me. "I have a grudge against them. They aren't the nicest people in the world. Not at all. And they did--no, they do things that are unspeakable and just not right."
"Tell me about it," I agreed. "What do they do to you?"
"I never said they do things to me," Yume said. "If it was all about that, then I wouldn't be talking to you."
"Then why do you hate them?"
Yume's eye flashed a fiery red. "Certain reasons that shouldn't be revealed yet."
"Well," I said, "feel free to hang around in here all you want. You can be the voice in my head, even."
Yume's eye sparkled. "You mean it?"
I nodded. "Yep. Just don't host any parties in here, okay?" Yume nodded and waved. The image faded, and I woke up.
I woke up groggily and sat up. Gideon and Pacifica were in the room again. "You're awake!" Pacifica chirped. "We didn't know when you got here, but you were already asleep when we came back! You must be really tired, huh?"
I yawned. "Uh huh," I said. "I'm supposed to meet the Gleeful twins at their tent tomorrow at 8:00..."
"Oh, really?" Gideon asked. "I heard their show tomorrow is at 8:30! Wow, so did they invite you to their next show or something?" I nodded.
Pacifica squealed and jumped around the room. "(Y/N) and Dipper sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" she chanted.
I slapped Pacifica. "Shut up!" I scolded, laughing.
The whole day, Yume's giggles were in my head.

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