Chapter 8

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Another day in the basement. I had absolutely no idea how long we'd been there. It was cold, it was dark, and it was really boring.
Luckily, Yume was pretty resilient, and she managed to entertain herself those many hours every day. Will, however, I was worried about. He didn't really do much, and he mostly cowered in the corner.
One day, Dipper came to the basement, alone. "What do you want now?" I asked him.
He sat down in front of me. "I wanted to apologize."
"Don't play dumb!" I retorted. "You're probably here because of another show, aren't you? Aren't you?" I hugged Yume and Will protectively.
"(Y/N), hear me out." Dipper took off his amulet, which was rare. He set it on the floor between us. I eyed it warily, wondering if Dipper was really here just to talk.
"Fine, I'll listen to whatever you have to say." Yume and Will were sitting next to me, and they were both curled up against me. It was cold in the basement.
"(Y/N), I know you're upset," Dipper said.
"Of course I'm upset!" I shot back. "You use us as props for your freaky magic shows! I don't know why I ever wanted to be friends with you..."
"Can you please listen to me for a little bit?!" Dipper retorted. "(Y/N), I know you're upset, and I'm sorry."
"You should be! You hurt innocent dream demons for your own pleasure! Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now?"
"I'm sorry, okay?" Dipper looked at me. I didn't look away from his piercing blue eyes. They were firm and impatient. I could tell that he wanted to hurt me. I kind of wanted him to. It would give me an excuse to beat him to a pulp. But he didn't. "(Y/N), I'm sorry. Really. I mean it."
"Prove it," I snarled.
"Okay, I will." Dipper snapped his fingers and the chain around my ankle disappeared. I looked at Will and Yume. Their chains were gone, too. "Now do you believe me?"
I didn't know what to believe. Was Dipper really a nice guy? Or was he just doing this to try to earn my trust? Whatever. I wasn't going to deal with that. I was done. I was done with the Tent of Telepathy and the magic shows and everything else I'd been roped into. I was done with magic. I was done with all of this. Most of all, I was done with Dipper and Mabel. Especially Dipper.
I grabbed Yume and Will and we left the mansion. Sizzling black footsteps were left in my wake as the demons and I walked all the way to the Mystery Shack. Little did I know that Dipper was watching us leave through the window...

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