Prologue: Something's Not Right

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Jake: So here I was, spending my last day with my 3 brothers. One was off to Harvard, one I would see in just a couple months working as a janitor at my future imprisonment camp, and the last one I would see on holidays and special occasions. "Oh... Can I get you anything else Jake?" I smiled "no thanks Reese" he smiled back "o-okay just tell me if you need anything else". I laid there when Malcolm approached me "J-Jake I brought you some of my food, I don't want you to not be full" I smiled "Thanks Malcolm but Im not hungry right now, but thanks for the offering". I never thought I could have gone so high in this family, I thought of exploiting it but then I realized, this is all I have ever wanted. I always wanted to be treated nice, I always yearned for a time where my two brothers wouldn't fight every damn day. But it felt wrong... Like I was missing some great big warning and I was diving into a bottomless tomb. But what was it filled with?! I always imagined it being dark and void of anything. I could never figure it out, but one thing was for certain, I was getting closer each day, and it felt like I was diving onto the earth's core, it was so obvious how close I was. But what would await me? Everytime I thought about it I started to lose it, I would have to find a way to get rid of all those thoughts. I wanted to go to Malcolm but I could never force myself to. Im glad this happened but at the same time it might be the worst thing to happen to my poor brain. I looked back at Malcolm only to be captured by his eyes, and then... That's when it started to hit me.

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