Life At The Orphanage

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Jake: We do this every day, all we do is clean up messes other kids do, we never have any fun, I remember yelling at my mother, I always told her she was terrible, oh how I long to be in her arms. "Jake! didn't you hear us?! some couple stopped in to check out the kids here, come on!" I sniffled and I nodded, walking off before he could question anything. I saw a woman and husband, had marriage rings on and they were looking at us. I talked to my friend Caleb "what's the point, none of us will be adopted, no one likes us, they hate Kishiren, why would they like the kids in this dump?" I was interrupted "excuse me young man,  what's your name?". I put on my happy act and said "I'm Jake ma'am" she smiled and turned to her husband "oh, Hal sweetie, look at him, I bet he's a good kid, we could use a good kid to rub off on Malcolm and Reese". I smiled... really big, i couldn't help it! they left to talk with head mistress Shire. I can't stress this enough, Ms. Shire was the most miserable, vengeful lady I have ever seen. She hates us, probably because we're human and she hates all humans so that'd include us. Caleb seemed excited, we always rooted for each other, even when the other got it easy. Caleb was my 3 years best friend, he was all I had, defense and emotional comfort, I couldn't ask for a better friend. He smiled "so buddy, what were you sayin' again?" I smiled even bigger, if possible "s-shut up, I wasn't aware I finally had a blessing come my way" he gave me a thumbs up. we heard the door open back up I saw head mistress Shire, with a frown say "Kieren pack your things, you'll be leaving before the hour is up". I couldn't stop grinning, I hugged Caleb with as much power as possible, nearly killing him. "Caleb I will miss you so bad, thank you for being there for me!" He mustered out "No... problem" I packed up everything and waited at the door for my new parents to come greet me. soon they came "So Jake are you ready to leave?" I nodded eagerly making them laugh.

We got my bag into the back of the van they came in. we started driving home when my mom said "okay hun, this is my husband hal, and I am Lois, but you can call me mom, as you probably know I have a son named Reese and a younger boy about your age named Malcolm, I want to make this clear, if either of those boys start picking on you, come tell us, I don't need them ruining your life being there, okay?". I smiled and said "okay Lo-mom" I could see her smile. soon we got home, I smiled, I could clearly see the house had to have withstood a tornado of chaos, but I didn't mind, we stepped into the house and my new dad said "Welcome home son".

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