Meeting the Wilkerson Kids

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Jake: As soon as we got everything situated mom yelled "BOYS COME OUT HERE!" one boy came out with spikey hair, real short but he had this smirk the second he saw me. I felt uneasy, then a second boy came out... He was... Indescribable, mainly because the second we made eye contact I was under a trance. His eyes held so much. I had this talent with being able to see... Into people. I was able to tell if they were lying, what troubled them... It just revealed itself to me. Suddenly I felt a slight push from behind "honey are you there?" I acted like nothing was wrong and nodded, she smiled. "Good as I was saying this little mischief maker is Reese, and this is Malcolm, remember, if anyone gives you trouble you come to me, if you can't, you go to your brothers or your father, if these boys do anything to hurt you at all you tell me immediately, okay?" I nodded. She smiled "oh honey I have to take the late shift can you show Jake around?"  he simply nodded and showed us around.
Soon it was time to eat, but I didn't want  to so I made up a typical excuse. I left to my new room. I took a look into all the books, a bunch of Algebra, lots of Science stuff, Chemistry?! Was my brother a super genius?! I laid on the bed, I soaked it all in. Whenever I got nervous that is how I dealt with it. 'What spell does he have on me? He is my brother... Well not blood, but why did that happen?' It was soon time to sleep and mom came back to bid me good night. No one else said a word to me, no one, not one thing. Now nothing kept me from the monsters in my head. I took a deep breath, 'hope this doesn't piss of my new family' I thought.

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