First Day of School

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Jake: It was awkward when we woke up, Reese surprisingly found us in that position. It didn't go well, after that we avoided everyone, we left very quickly, I was faster than my brothers. I didn't want to be around them, I had to take some dumb test, It was to determine what class I should be in.

-After the test-

The test took me all day, it had many, many questions. I went home and went straight into my room, mom wasn't home, neither was dad, It was just me, Malcolm and Reese. I didn't want to speak to either of them but I knew that wasn't an option. Reese walked in "oh well if it ain't Jake" I flinched at his voice, he was the last person I wanted to see, well that wasn't true, Malcolm was the last person I wanted to see. Reese kept on taunting me until I heard "what's wrong brother fu- ow!" I looked up to see a surprised Reese looking at Malcolm. They proceeded to fight and It ended with Malcolm throwing Reese out of the room. I was surprised Reese didn't retalliate but something told me to be on guard around him. I was stuck with Malcolm now, this was going to be awkward, he sighed "Jaco-" I immediately stopped him. I lifted my finger to stop him, I whispered "don't Malcolm, just don't" though that didn't stop him from trying. "Jake it's important". I looked at him and I didn't see Malcolm, I didn't know what I saw, but I saw something I didn't like, I didn't know why. "Malcolm, just don't" I replied, monotone, like a record stuck on replay, what else was I supposed to say? He looked like he could cry at any second. "Jacob... Did you not like that? What we did last night?" I sighed, I didn't know, but it all felt wrong. I looked into his eyes "I-I don't know Malcolm, it feels wrong, what if everyone finds out, Reese aready has". Malcolm smiled and said "it doesn't mater what they think, they can't kill our love, do you love me?". I sighed "I don't know Mal, I just don't" he smiled and hugged me and said "I-I can wait for you to make up your mind, I'm sorry I pressured you Jake, I really am, I'll, uh, I'll leave you to your thoughts, I'm always open to hang out- I-I mean I won't make it sexual or... Any of that stuff". He blushed as he stuttered and I smiled and nodded, he left and I was left to my thoughts, I smiled at the thought of what we did last night, I still needed time to think about all of this, I didn't want to start anything I couldn't handle, especially with mom, she could set me up for adoption afterall. One big question arose in my mind: If I loved Malcolm enough to come out, if they threatened to break us up, would we be daring enought to run away? To protect what we had, while we had it? Soon I would need to give that answer, but I just couldn't be sure about it. It could ruin us, or maybe everyone would accept us, I hoped for the latter but expected the former. All day I laid back on the bed and contemplated my answer, I wanted it to be as soon as possible, but not horribly rushed so I would regret giving false answers, but all I needed to worry about was dealing with the new enemies and my new social environment. But as I preformed daily functions I began to fantasize what It would be like to have Malcolm as a boyfriend, what he would do, for me, maybe he would hurt me? I didn't like that thought so I kept it all positive and began fantasizing about him protecting me, and being sweet despite the fact I already knew he was socially inept to 'normal' people.

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