Movie Night or Stargazing Night? Maybe Something Else?

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Jake: I sighed, this wasn't easy I was approached by Reese and asked to go to the movies, I wasn't sure so I said I would get back to him later, then Malcolm asked me on a date to the school playground, then to a restaurant, then to a nearby hill to stargaze. I loved both Ideas but I could only choose one, I didn't want to anger one of them by going with another. I decided to not go at all. I smiled and I felt bad for them, Reese looked like it was the happiest day of his life. Malcolm saw me and looked in aw, I blushed. "Okay Jake, ready to go?" Malcolm asked, Reese looked angry "what are you talking about?! Jake is going to see a movie with me!". Malcolm yelled "I bet you don't know his favorite! He doesn't even like movies! He's into space because he's smart!" I blushed and said "Malcolm, Reese" they both stopped and were waiting for me to continue. I smiled and said "I-I'm not going with either of you" they were shocked "what?!" I smiled and looked down and I heard a knock on the door. I smiled and got the black jacket to add to my shirt pants shoes and tie. Malcolm asked "wait, what's going on?" I smiled and "I'm going with Lloyd!" they both yelled "Lloyd?!". I smiled and said "I-I just couldn't take the tension between you two... And I didn't want to hurt one you or turn you against each other, I'm sorry guys". I gave them both a kiss on the cheek, they both looked heart broken and I felt bad, but what was done was done. I went out to meet Lloyd and he looked lovely "h-hey Jake". I smiled back and said "hey, you look cute in that outfit". He was freaking out which was adorable, we went to the Science Museum and looked at fossils and models of the Solar System, he freaked out about it all and held my hand the entire time gushing about it. We went back to his house and we sat on the roof. and I kissed him, it felt awesomely so right. He had the biggest smile on his face and then I took it a bit higher, I french kissed Lloyd. I looked into his eyes and kissed him until we fell asleep on the roof. When I woke up I needed to go, so I dragged him to his bed and left him a note explaining it. When I got home I saw Malcolm asleep, but I saw stains on the sheets and pillows. I thought 'Malcolm you sly dog'. But I saw Malcolm had puffy cheeks and looked sadder than I left him. He woke up and I asked "what's wrong?" and he spilled and told me everything, and I felt horrible because of it.

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