Mom Finds Out

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Jake: I was torn, I cried for so long and mom finally found me. I refused to tell her, but she held me and promised she wouldn't be angry, so I finally spilled. I told her that I was gay, and that I dated Malcolm's friend, and that Lloyd cheated on me. Mom hugged me and said "he doesn't deserve a sweet boy like you, I'll make you an ice cream sundae". I smiled and I went into the house, holding her hand, Malcolm and Reese were surprised to see us both enter, me with my eyes puffy and red and mom with a smile on her face. I sat at the table as she sparked a conversation with me, she asked me if I liked any guys and I said "yeah, but it's hard to choose, I love them both and I don't want to anger one of them, but I can't choose". I completely forgot where I was, I just rambled on, unaware that Reese and Malcolm were listening with their mouths wide open. As soon as I ate the ice cream sundae mom sent me to bed, she smiled and said that she loved me, and that everything would work out in the end. And... For some reason I believed her, so I left for bed, and I passed out in Reese's bed, ignoring everyone else in the world, I was at peace. I woke up in the morning and remembered I sat next to Lloyd in my class, and that Malcolm hung around Lloyd, I walked up to mom. "Mom, can I stay home from school?" She smiled "why?" I looked down with a frown and she understood immediately "hey, if that boy even tries to talk to you I will permit Reese to beat his little butt, there is nothing to fear, okay?". I smiled and nodded, before leaving for school, I didn't take my lunch, I didn't eat as often as Malcolm or Reese. I walked into class and was relieved to see Lloyd wasn't there, but I knew he would be there soon. I saw Malcolm walk in and then he pulled me outside until we were in a secluded area. "what happened?" I looked down and whispered "I don't want to talk about it". But of course Malcolm wouldn't leave me be, he persisted until I angrily muttered "just shut up and leave me alone!". I yanked out of Malcolm's grip and stormed into class and I saw Lloyd, and I decided I couldn't be in there one more minute, Lloyd got up but I ran out, already crying. I heard Lloyd shout "I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I love you!" but I didn't stop I ran back home, mom was still there and I barged in. Mom asked "sweetie you should be- oh my god! What's wrong?!" I cried "I'm sorry mamma I can't do it!". She hugged me and told me I could stay home and that if I wanted I could transfer classes if I couldn't work it out by next week. I hugged her and she said "listen hon' mommy has to go to work, I'll be back later, your father is off, tell him I let you stay home, you can lie to him if he asks why, now I love you and I'll be back by... About 6:00, bye-bye". I waved her goodbye and she was gone, I ran to my room and I found what I was looking for, my journal, I had been using it for 1 month. I used it since the weird feelings started, which was the second I looked into Malcolm's eyes, I smiled and started writing in it.

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