Malcolm And Jake

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A/N: I'm so sorry I haven' updated in months! I'll try to start updating more, thank you.

Malcolm: I wore a sleeveless shirt and tight, tight jeans. I put a bright smile on my face and walked out to the dinner table. Mom looked at me, surprised and asked "Malcolm, what's with the get up?". I said "I'm just really hot mom, nothing else really". She looked at, suspicious but dropped it and motioned towards the table and I sat down, it was silent, little talk about what I was doing in school, and Jake's day. Jake told mom that he stayed home, and mom nodded and asked to talk to him about the reason later.  I was done with my plate, washed it then went into my room, I overheard Reese talking about going to his girl friend's house. So now we were going to be alone, and I loved the thought of that. I was snapped out of my thoughts a couple minutes later from Jake saying "hey" while awkwardly waving. I smiled and greeted him back, then I said "what happened? Like, earlier today?" His slight smile dropped and I mentally tore into myself for being so insensitive, especially when I knew what happened. He whispered "he... Lloyd cheated on me, I'm sorry I couldn't be there today, when I saw him... I-I just couldn't take it, so I left". I nodded and whispered "I'm so sorry Jake, I shouldn't have asked" he gave a slight smile and said "no, no, It's not like I wanted to bottle it up... I just wanted to know why, why he did what he did... I guess I'm glad we broke up though". I was perplexed with his last sentence so I asked "why? Why were you glad you two broke up?". He sat down next to me and he looked at me, smiling again "because... It didn't feel right without you, it felt... Hollow, ya'know?". I felt my heart warm up and I nodded "It felt really weird without you either, I just want you to know I'll be there, whenever you need me, I will be there". He smiled and hugged me, thanking me, I asked "would... Would you mind sleeping with me? I understand if you're not-" "no! It's fine, besides, I kinda like it anyways" Jake said, with a slight blush. I held him as I fell back, taking him with me, smiling, and I said "goodnight Jake" he whispered, very quietly "goodnight Malcolm".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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