Chapter 1 - First Day of School

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- Clary P.O.V -

It was the first day. So obviously the teacher had to make me stand me front of the class and introduce myself.

"Hi. My name's... Clary. I live in an apartment. I live with my mom. My interests are doodling/drawing and all of the above." I stuttered awkwardly in front of my class. I stared at the teacher who was working away at the desk and I coughed

"Ahem... I'm doneeeee......"

He looked up and clapped his hands politely gesturing for the other students to join in.

"Thank you Clary, please take a seat."

I stumbled across to the back of the room while catching The Blondie's eyes. He examined me pervertedly and then looked away.

I really felt like punching him, right then and there. But I was in class and I wanted a good first impression.


The first period bell had rung so I studied my schedule carefully and walked my way across to to my history class.

On my way there I went to my locker just to get some stuff. I found my combination paper and tried to unlock my locker but it didn't seem to work, I was about to give up when I heard a loud voice behind me,

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO YOU IDIOT!" Screamed a girls voice.

I was startled by the sudden assault, and speechless.


Continued this obnoxious girl whom I had started to dislike a few seconds ago.

But then I realised that i had the wrong locker and that this girl is having the wrong idea. I turned around to try and explain things to her but as I did a saw a faint remark of a pounding fist coming towards my face.

She punched me.

I stood there. With a numb feeling around my eye. I had a feeling it was gonna be bruised.

She stared at me.

Then another fist came at me. And another. And another.

I was starting to dizzy out and just before I blacked out I saw Blondie's sleek moves which stopped her.

I half heartedly smiled. And then. BOOM. BLACKNESS.

- JACE P.O.V -

My heart pounded. I didn't even know this girl but I don't know why I feel responsible for her. I saw her laying there while being beat up by Izzy.

Ugh stupid Izzy getting so worked up with a stupid little mistake. Just like her to be like this. I sat in a seat in the infirmary waiting for her return.

Then the nurse walked through the door.


Ok. I know my chapter are like so short.

But yea.....


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