Bad Mythical Night

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Previously on Once the Sun Sets

"Stupid American, giving me the wrong bag." China grumbled as he dragged himself and the duffel bag to the house the American stayed in. They both had the same looking and branded bag (of course, China's was fake) and Alfred switched them. Yao would've waited until morning to fix the mistake but his plush was in that bag and he couldn't sleep without it. He was figuring out which house Alfred was in in his half asleep and cranky state when he heard a strange noise so loud that it sounded so near.




It gradually got softer until it only sounded like echoes that China deduced that whatever made that noise was far away now. He continued his journey until his senses told him that there was danger behind. He turned around to follow his instincts and what he saw struck fear in his heart.

Wang Yao, the personification of the ancient land of China, was frantically banging on the door of the nearest house because he saw the black cat. A few seconds later, the door swung open and he was immediately pulled in.

"What the hell are you doing out?" Michaela asked as she checked out the window before letting go of the curtain.

"I was just about to return a friend's bag since he gave me his by accident." Explained the ancient nation. "What are you doing up anyway aru?"

"I can't sleep."

"I know how that feels, I think I have some herbal medicine that I can sell to you in-"

"No, I mean I literally can't sleep even if I wanted to. I need to keep watch."

"Did I hear banging on the door?" Ivan suddenly walked in and noticed the others. "Ah, little Yao, have you come to become one with me?"

"No aru! I just needed to get my bag from Alfred when I saw, the cat." He whispered the last part.

"The cat from earlier?" Ivan blinked.

"So you've noticed the cat? Or should I say, monster?"

"You guys know about it aru?" China questioned.

"Why do you think a lot of us are still awake? We can't let them out of our sight, especially since Siana is pregnant."

"I don't follow, what does your pregnant comrade have to do with this?"

"Look, in this country we have lots of mythical creatures that are not really mythical. That cat out there is what we call an aswang. As long as nobody's out and it somehow doesn't find a way in your house, you're fine. They basically kill you and eat your insides for survival. They have shapeshifting abilities but usually just have one animal, like a large cat or dog. But what we're really worried about is the tiktik."

"The tiktik? Isn't that the thing with the long tongue- oh! Now I see where your pregnant friend comes into play." Russia beamed which made the other two uncomfortable.

"Um-Yeah... Uh sir, I guess you need to stay here for the night. You can take my room since I'm staying here." Michaela told China,"It's the room across his, he can bring you there." Yao took one glance at Russia's face and gulped.

"No thank you, I think I would stay here as well aru."


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