Alfred The Explorer (Short)

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The nations were currently in the van zooming their way to the meeting place.

"Dudes, last night was insane!" America hollered as he chowed down on a puto (Filipino rice cake) Siana had given them.

"Shut up, git, you're giving me a bloody headache." England rubbed his temples and some followed suit.

"Ve'll be arriving our destination in three hours. That'll give us a lot of time to rest before the meeting." Ludwig stated as he drove the van once more because Gilbert was unavailable.

"I could-a really use some rest, last night was scary!" Feliciano added.

"Who could've known those creatures were real?" Matthew commented as he accepted the pack of rice krispies Alfred passed over. "I mean, we've all seen stranger things, but still."

"I agree, seeing them was very strange and... exciting for some reason." Kiku replied.

"Maybe Anglettere isn't as crazy as we zhought." Francis joked and Arthur slapped his arm in retaliation.

"Shut your arse, frog." Arthur looked like he wanted to add something when the van suddenly swerved to the right and crashed into a tree.

"Ugh! Vhat is it vith vans and trees?!" Prussia groaned out after checking that he was still alright.

"Is everyone aru-right?" China piped up.

"Vest? Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" A panicked big brother immediately asked once he realized that it was Ludwig who took most of the impact. "Vest, can you hear me?"

"Yes, just a little painful. I suggest we all get out of the car to check up." Ludwig replied and everyone followed his suggestion.

"Aiyah, Kiku, are you alright?"

"Vene, you hit your head on the window. Let me check for blood, do you feel-a dizzy?"

"Vest are you sure you're alright?"

"Arthur, Alfred, Mathieu, are you alright?"

"I could ask the same thing, snail."

"Lovino, what about you? Did you hit your head anywhere?"

"Shut up, puta."

"Hey, big guy, did you bang your head on the roof?"

"Nyet, thanks for asking, Fredka."

Once everything was cleared up, they began to find  solution to their predicament. The van didn't crash bad enough to squeeze it but there was a huge dent up front

"What now? I don't think all of us will make it in time if we walk all the way aru." Yao asked.

"I got signal, I'll check maps." Alfred cheered and began typing. "Oh, this will be easy!"

"Why so?" Canada inquired.

"Look, if we follow the road it'll take us hours to get to the hotel, but if we pass through the forest in a straight line, it'll take us about three hours to get there like how we were supposed to." America passed his phone on. "How about we follow it?"

"Or we could call someone to pick us up, da?" Ivan interrupted while he dialed his raised phone.

"Hello? Ah Miss Maria-"

"Yo, Maria! We broke our van but we'll walk through the woods so we'll be there in about an hour an a half!"

"Wha?! ksssht Alfred! Don't ksssht! Kssht dangerous!" Was the only reply the foreigners got from the female nation.

"Well! Let's go!" Alfred, who had somehow brought out his backpack full of survival gear, (pssshh *whispers* Eagle Scout //slapped) rushed into the forest with his phone in hand.

"Wait, Alfred! Damn it! What will I ever do with that boy?" England angrily spluttered and ran after his so- friend. Matthew was right behind him and so, France didn't hesitate to run after the other three. Veneziano and Spain followed, causing Romano, Germany, and Prussia (who was being carried by Germany piggy-back style) to run into the forest. Japan, Russia, and China stayed behind.

"Shourd we forrow?"

"As much as this is a bad decision, да, we should." Russia carried his necessities and allowed the other two nations to get theirs. Deciding to lock the car and come back for their other stuff once they reached the hotel.

China sighed. "I'm too old for this shit, aru."

I'm so sorry for the really slow updates since the last time I updated this was, like: three months ago. I would like to thank everyone who has decided to stick with the story and I'm really sorry for the slow updates. School's already stressing me out (check the chapter entitled "School" in my other book 'It's Donut' for info because it's a really LONG story) and exams are already in like, two weeks.

I apologize for any spelling and grammatical errors. And once again, thank you for reading this. Make sure to answer the question at the start of the chapter so I know what you guys really want. Tell me what you want, what you really really want yeah!

Oh, before I forget, I am now an admin of Hetalia Tagalog Memes so if you understand Filipino, make sure to check that out :) Why don't you guys also comment on one of my posts? Something like: "I'm from Wattpad." Or something so I know where you guys came from.

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