Closure (The Real Deal)(Thanks for 1k!!!)

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Ma-i is an island which is speculated to be modern day Laguna

Lei is Luzon

Both names were given by the Chinese


Today (Jan 26th 2018) is OTSS first year anniversary and the author's 15th birthday!(Yeah, I published this fanfic when I turned 14😅)
We've also reached 1k reads recently!
Thank you for not only 1k reads or 123 votes but for the support you guys have shown me throughout this book. I appreciate all your comments and they motivate me to write more amd better chapters! Thank you so much going through this journey with me!😊❤

"M-Ma-i," China gasped and struggled to sit up but was pushed back by the brown-skinned woman.

"Oh, Yao, don't push yourself." She smiled at him. "Take a moment to clear your head."

"N-no! I'm fine! Totally fine, aru!" He stood up and blinked away the dizziness. Once he was fully aware of everything around him, panic, disbelief, and paranoia started to sink in. "Wait, you aren't really Lei, are you?!" He grabbed his wok and stood defensively. The woman who he thought was Ma-i stood up and shook her head.

"I assure you that it is really me, Yao. I am no monster. A-and you should not call me neither Ma-i or Lei, I am no longer the proper guardian of the land. I am simply a memory of what remains of the ancient culture."

"I still don't believe you!" He snarled back. "If you really are her then prove it."

"Well, you are Wang Yao, also known as China. You gave me the name Lei but also accidentally gave me the name Ma-i after you located another island that you didn't know was also me. We traded a lot back then until España came and took my daughter who was then called Maria. I was not able to survive the cultural changes and so my daughter took over. The only reason I still exist is because not all the tribes have been colonized and modernized as much. You like the color red and you love pairing it with gold. You have travelled to a lot of places and have seen different creatures but your favorite is the panda and you hate giraffes because you think that they look so strange." China gaped at her but she wasn't done. "The last time we saw each other was almost around 600 years ago on another beach, I made you promise to protect my daughter as Wang Yao."

"T-that's basic information and history and something a creature would be able to get from my memories! Tell me something only Ma-i would know aru." She had her facts right but Yao didn't want to hope that the universe was being kind to him once again only to be played as a fool.

She let out an amused giggle. "You love bananas and dislike coconut. And it's good to know you still say aru."

He let out an inconherent sound of surprise, hope, and embarassment. He dropped his wok and walked towards Ma-i.

"It is you..." He reached out to cup her cheek. He held it tenderly, afraid that it would pass through her only to reveal an illusion. "You're real! It is you!" He pulled her into a warm embrace and spun her around. He buried his face into her neck as he laughed and cried.

"I'm so happy to see you too." She smiled back at with tears of her own trailing down her cheeks once they separated.

"No, no, no, no, please don't cry." He wiped her tears away with his thumbs as her face was still in his hands. "Please don't cry, I hate it when you cry."

"Then you should not cry as well." She replied with a laugh as she wiped his away. "You look older."

"We haven't seen each other for centuries and the first thing you decide to do is check me out?" He teased her.

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