Better than BTS

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"Philippines, where is big brother?!" Belarus demanded once she realized that her dear brother hasn't arrived yet.

"Huh? He didn't tell you? Well, Canada said they would be arriving tomorrow morning before the meeting since there were some problems. You have nothing to worry about-" Maria was cut off when Belarus poised her knife to the shorter girl's neck.

"If anything, anything at all happens to my dear brother in your country, I will make sure that you would never-"

"Threats were invented in Korea da-ze!" A male voice whooped as he quickly picked up Maria and bolted out.

"Get back here!" Belarus screeched as she ran after them with her knives

"Yong Soo?! What!?" The Philippines sputtered.

"Being heroic originated from Korea, y'know." Yong Soo winked before running faster to flee the angry European. He ran around in a frenzy in hopes of losing Natalia in the many corridors of the hotel floor. Alas, Yong Soo took a wrong turn and ended up getting cornered.

"Wait! Let me offer you a deal da-ze!" Korea screeched in desperation.

"What deal?" Belarus cocked her head to the side in interest.

"During the after meeting party, I'll distract Yao-hyung and Maria will distract Alfred so you'll get to solo your big brother." Yong Soo stuck his hand out and Belarus quickly shook it and left without saying another word. Maria, who was still in Korea's arms hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you so much Korea!" She cried before pulling away."

"Hold up! I want something in exchange."

"Ano? Um, as long as it's reasonable." Maria said before she found her back against the wall and Yong Soo's arms trapping her.

"You. Me. In my hotel room the whole day before the party." He whispered, sending shivers down her spine and blood rushing to her cheeks.


"To binge watch Encantadia da-ze!" He leapt away from her with a cheeky grin. "The last time I watched it, Avria has risen, I am so far behind! But I am still not over Amihan's death! Come on I want to watch your shows while I'm here!" He blabbered on.

The Philippines' mind was still processing what the hell happened even when Korea started dragging her to his hotel room.

Several hours later

"What?! No! You can't leave it like that!" Yong Soo wailed as the characters put their hands in a praying position before saying 'Avisala Meiste'. "Tell me there will be a season two!"

"I don't know Yong Soo, will there be a second season?" Maria innocently smirked at him.

If you watch Encantadia and you haven't seen the finale episode, do NOT read the next paragraph because of spoilers.

"No! They were all so happy and the next heirs of Encantadia, Lireo, Hathoria, and Sapiro were all young kids running together at the beach like their moms before and there was this water owl who I though was Cassiopeia but noooooo! Cassiopeia HAD to have a secret twin who lives in the icy part of Encantadia that we don't know of!" He wailed.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to call you the moment I find out okay? We can watch the first episode together if you want to."

"Alright da-ze! So, what did you think of BTS's new music video?"

"Diyos ko, I love it! They're so handsome and smooth and cute and AAAAAAHHHHH!" She fangirled.

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