Cornered.... And Rescued!

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Reminder: This book is nearing the end and I need another Piri ship. I am also still accepting any questions you guys might have for me.

Kinda rushed and short? Terribly sorry, dears

Italy Romano tried his damn best to look for the others but it was really hard when the three of them were being chased by the tikbalang Spain said he was gonna hold off.

"Why didn't you try to lose it on your way to find me, stronzo?!" A ballistic southern Italian yelled as they ran faster. He concentrated hard to see if he could sense the other bastards around but focusing on not getting caught was a more important issue.

"I'm so sorry! I thought I lost it and when I found you, it just appeared out of nowhere!" Antonio cried.

"Can either of you sense the others?!" Matthew yelled as he looked back to see the tikbalang still hot on their tail.

"I'll have you know it's really hard to concentrate when you're running away from- ARGH!" Romano was cut off when Canada scooped him up and carried him like a sack of potatoes.

"Focus on the others, I'll take care of you." He ordered as he ran faster. Lovino closed his eyes and focused on trying to sense the others. He twitched when he felt something faint.

'Come on, I felt something.' His lips tugged into a deeper frown as he tried to get ahold of that faint feeling. He focused and he immediately opened his eyes when he had a grasp on a tugging feeling.

"Turn left! I can feel two people not so far away!" He shouted. He didn't know who it was but as soon as they grouped up the others and found a way out of this place the better. Canada and Spain followed his instruction and immediately made a swift turn to the left.

"MATTIE?! DUDE! YOU'RE ALIVE BUT THIS ISN'T REALLY THE BEST TIME TO HAVE A REUNION!" Alfred's voice boomed as he ran towards their direction. Canada and Spain immediately noticed the two female engkantas floating after them as Russia and America noticed the tikbalang.

"Alfie, intersecting!" Matthew yelped out as he nearly tripped on a protruding tree root and dropped Romano.

"My left or yours?!"


The North American brothers grabbed their companions' hands and instructed them to follow them and to be alert.

They continued to run towards each other, swiftly closing the gap in between them. Before the nations crashed into each other, Alfred and Matthew instantly made a swift turn to Matthew's left, causing the two fairies and the tikbalang to slam into each other.

The four didn't dare look back to check the fates of their pursuers.

France took off his shirt as he towered over a panting and red Englishman.

"Mon ami, you could've gotten yourself killed." He scolded as he tore the sleeve off and soaked it in the flowing stream of water that they found. He wiped it across Arthur's face and arms to get rid of the blood. Both Arthur's and the manananggal's "What were you thinking?! Attacking it suddenly!"

"Relax, frog, we can't die. At least I got that bloody thing off of our backs for a while. It should give us enough time to search for Matthew and get out of here, hopefully." He groaned back in response as Francis then ripped off another sleeve and tore them into strips to serve as temporary bandages. Francis patched him up as much as he could with what they had. Arthur had knocked out the creature with his magic and somehow stabbed himself in the arm with a tree branch.

"Ugh, don't tell me you're going to walk around topless." England complained.

"Why not? The shirt is hideous and useless now, and I left my jacket at the cave."

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