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Just like what the title of this part suggests I'm answering all the questions you guys left in the past chapters. (Tho truth to be told only one person asked some questions lololol)

deuslexmachina this is basically your chapter hahahahaha😂

1. America, pota, what were you thinking?

America: I'm sorry, dude! I just thought that it was a really good idea at the time and it still seems like a great idea to me until now but it wasn't my fault a kapre decided to, what's the term? Ah! It wasn't my fault a kapre decided to pagtripan us!

2. Canada, thank the heavens you exist bb.

Canada: O-oh! Thank you! Thank the heavens you exist too!😊 Keep going! Stay positive!

3. Prussia, how did the tongue feel like? I'm curious damn it.

Prussia: It vas unawesome. It was slippery and vet and soft and squishy and it just makes me shudder to think that I touched it.




5. Fave character?


6. OTP?

FrUk and PruHun

7. Do you plan to make any other ships but without Piri?

Sadly, no since this will be my first and last(I think? I mean, you never know) Hetalia fanfic. I did put teeny tiny hints of RusAme and FrUk (and Spain x Super Ma'am lmao) throughout the book but I do not plan on making another special chapter or another Hetalia fanfic revolving around ships.

This marks the end of the main storyline of Once The Sun Sets. It took me 1 year, 7 months, and 14 days to complete it. It's been a good ride and I'm so thankful for everyone who has commented, voted, and supported this little fanfiction of mine.

In this book, I wanted to go a little beyond as to what Hetalia typically is. It's funny and wild and just random but I wanted to go a little deeper. I don't know if you guys noticed but I was especially careful in using country names and human names in chapters such as Dati and The Truth Untold. I believe that as personifications, the nations face the challenge of having both country representative and human personas. As a nation, they have to think what is best for their people since it is their duty and responsibility. Then, on the other hand, they are also humans. They have emotions and selfish desires that may clash with their duties as a nation. I wanted to show the emotional, moral, and mental stress and conflict that they face because of the two personas they have to portray. I hoped that I did a good job on it. If you wish you may reread the chapters Dati and The Truth Untold.

As this book comes to an end I just wanted to share some of my favorite quotes/moments from this book (these are the angsty ones) Go back and reread this fanfic and then share YOUR favorite quotes and moments in the comments below!

"I felt like a part of me was taken from my grasp, snatched away before my very eyes."
-Wang Yao, I Thought That We Made An Arrangement

"I want you here more than anything in the world."
-Wang Yao, I Thought That We Made An Arrangement

"I will never ever stop wishing for you to come back."
-Wang Yao, I Thought That We Made An Arrangement

"Please don't cry, I hate it when you cry."
-Wang Yao, Closure (The Real Deal)

"She's the one I would tell stories to under the light of the moon. She's the one I would talk to under the night sky even when we were miles apart. She's the one who I asked the winds to carry my whispers to."
-Wang Yao, The Truth Untold

"Losing something that was so constant is like ripping away a limb. You will get hurt, you will cry, you will scream. One day, you'd get used to it, but it'd never be the same."
-England/Arthur Kirkland, The Truth Untold

"As a nation, losing an ally is something you'd mourn over for a while, but as humans, losing somebody you love in such a way may haunt you for centuries."
-France/Francis Bonnefoy, The Truth Untold

"To be honest, and I'm not saying this again but, I'm glad that you're still here."
-Arthur Kirkland, The Truth Untold

"Who said I loved her? I never loved her."
-Wang Yao, The Truth Untold

"In a world where you get used to everything constantly changing, you tend to cling onto the things that never change."
-Wang Yao, The Truth Untold

"It was there at one point, and that's all that matters to you."
-Wang Yao, The Truth Untold

"Though you know that it's gone, you will refuse to believe that it's gone."
-Wang Yao, The Truth Untold

"Just because you can't see it anymore, it doesn't mean that it was never there."
-Wang Yao, The Truth Untold

I hope to see you guys once again in my next projects!😊❤

Thank you all so much!

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