Are We Out Of The Woods Yet? Dammit Stop Following Us, Creepy Bastards. ROMANO!

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Well shit Roma, yes. That's exactly what you tell some creepy as hell creatures that are following you with bad intentions.



Also, I am still accepting questions from you guys so feel free to ask

GUYS PLEASE I KNOW THERE ARE OTHERS READING THIS AND SO FAR, ONLY BLURPLE514 AND -SUNSHINESQUAD HAVE COMMENTED. ONLY BLURPLE514 HAS REQUESTED A SHIP. I KNOW I LOOK DEMANDING BUT I JUST WANNA HAVE SOME PARTICIPATION FROM YOU GUYS. It scares me as an author that people are reading my fanfic and yet, I'm not sure if they're really enjoying this. All I need is for someone aside Blurple514 to suggest two more ships. Please that's all I ask for from you silent readers. Some of you may be too shy but you don't have to be shy with me. I LOVE reading comments from you guys and it scares me when people read this yet show no signs of enjoying it. Two Piri ships is all I ask.

Thank you!


Up North

"Doesn't this remind you of the old times, Arthur?" Francis joyfully inquired his blonde companion.

"If you mean: me frolicking through a beautiful forest with an annoying, French douchebag old times then, yes."

"Ah, you wound me as always, mon ami." England could actually hear the hurt in his voice despite the amused tone. He knew he and the Frenchman had their differences but he wouldn't give up whatever kind of friendship they had for the world, maybe...

"Remember that time when I messed up with my brothers' magic that caused me to have rabbit ears until they found a cure?" England started to fix up his fuck up, and so the other nation let out a laugh.

"Oui, how could I ever forget my cute petit lapin? Ohonhonhonhonhon."

"Oh, shut up." Their conversation quickly became more natural and relaxed. They trekked through the wilderness in search of their former little Canadian, occasionally screaming his name outloud.

"MATHIEU!" Francis yelled and saw movement at the corner of his eye.

"Angleterre, we have some company." France whispered. England brought out his spellbook and Francis had to improvise with a branch to act as a sword. They both circled back-to-back and kept a sharp eye on any movement.

"If it turns out to be something completely foreign, the only thing we can do is to run and hopefully run into the others or Matthew." England whispered and France replied with a simple: "Oui.". This carried on for a few seconds until they both heard flapping wings.

"It's the creature from earlier!" They both ducked and got back up to run.

"Any plans?" Francis panted.

"None at all, I am not familiar with Asian myths so I don't know their weaknesses. We need to hide first and continue looking for Matthew, only he knows what to do."

Down South

"What the hell are we supposed to do when we see that she-demon shows up again?" Romano grumbled as he kicked the branches and dry leaves away.

"Hm, I think I remember Maria telling me that garlic, or anything holy can help defeat them."

"Well that changes everything." Indeed it did since the Italy brothers, Spain, and France had the power to bless things like: water, statues, rosaries, etc.

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