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(BruPhil filler chapter)
If the KorPhil was sexy, this is more fluffy and angsty
Comment the next ship you would like to see Maria with next time!

Remember, you were the queen, and I was your king
I was the princess, who you would always save
But now a lot of things have changed and happened
But the way we see each other
Is the same as
Be be be before
Be be be be before
Be be be before

Is the same as

(English translation of the chorus of the song Dati or Before by: Quest, Sam Concepcion, and Tippy Dos Santos)

Maria was back in the party room searching for her denim jacket she wore during her performance. She knew she threw it at the crowd at one point of her performance with Yong Soo.

"Where could it be? I'm pretty sure if somebody caught it they would've returned it immediately. It's not like they would keep it or anything." She muttered under her breath. She was so focused on her task that the sound of a door opening and closing went by unnoticed.

"Philippines! It's a good thing I asked Malaysia where you were." Maria jerked up in surprise and found herself staring at Syukri Bolkiah, the personification of Brunei.

"Syukri, don't scare me like that. Nakakabwiset ka!" She whined as she gave him a playful slap on the arm. "Why were you looking for me though?"

"Ah, I caught your jacket last night but I didn't get the chance to give it back. So, here you are." She gratefully took back her jacket with a smile.

"Thank you so much! Have you eaten breakfast yet?" He replied with a shake of his head, causing her grin to widen. "Me too! How about we eat breakfast together?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." He smiled.

"Do you want to eat downstairs or do you want to go to town?" Maria asked. Brunei thought about it for a while before looking back at her with a grin that made her blush.

'It's a good thing I'm dark-skinned, my blush is not that evident.' She thought.

"Let's go to town, I want to explore this place and see how much it has changed since I last came here." Maria laughed at his reason.

"The last time you came here was well over 500 years ago."

"More the reason for me to be excited."


"What do you want to eat?" Maria asked once they got down from the tricycle. They both scanned the area full of karinderyas, small cafés, big restaurants, and a market.

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