the blame game.

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Arriving at the club I realized that I hadn't been at a club for a long time. With all the marriage drama and family drama, it's been hard to have time to myself. Even when Mozzie and I were in Greece we could barely go out because of the fear of being caught my father's men.

We walked right up to the bouncer who pulled back the red velvet rope and Mozzie and I entered the club. It was filled with sweaty bodies grinding against each other and the stench of alcohol slapped us in the face.

"Let's go get drinks." I practically yelled to Mozzie who was right beside me. The music pounded in our ears as we walked to the bar. Mozzie, in classic Mozzie fashion, ordered us many tequila shots.

The liquid burned going down my throat but it felt good. Drinking wasn't something I had done often anymore because of having to be sober whilst handling mafia business.

"Time to dance," Mozzie yelled out excited and took my hand, dragging me towards the dance floor.

We danced to a couple of songs until I felt a pair of hands on my hips. Already being somewhat tipsy I had zero cares in the world and let this stranger touch me.

"You're so hot, baby." The husky voice said in my ear. I giggled and lent back on the man joining my hands with his own as we continued to dance together. I finally opened my eyes from being in complete ecstasy with this stranger and looked around for Mozzie. Who was nowhere in sight.

"I've got to go," I said abruptly trying to get away from this man. He laughed deeply and pulled me back to him. He held me tightly as I squirmed and tried to getaway.

"You're not going anywhere." The man reached in his back pocket and pulled out a cloth and put it over my nose and mouth. I knew what was happening and I held my breath. "Breathe baby, c' mon just breathe it in." I shook my head still trying to get away.

Then in one quick motion, he hit me in my stomach knocking the wind out of me and making me gasp for air. Then all I could see was blackness.

I woke up being slapped in the face and my hands tied to a metal post. I tried to pull as hard as I could against restraints.

"Your attempts to get out of those ropes are pathetic you won't be going anywhere for a very long time." My captor was extremely close to my face so I reared my head back and head-butted him. He stumbled back in pain and shock then balled his fist and punched me in my mouth. "You stupid bitch! Oh, torturing you will be fun." I laughed and spit the blood that he had caused to accumulate in my mouth on to the floor.

"I don't think you'll get a chance." In one swift motion, I freed my hands and lunged at the man. We struggled for a couple of minutes before I dashed towards the table of knives he had out and grabbed the biggest knife he had and turned and threw it. Before I could realize he had a gun in his hands when I threw it he shot and I felt the bullet go into my stomach.

I fell to the ground clutching my stomach and feeling if it was a through and through, which it wasn't. I kew if I wanted to have some chance of living that I needed to get out. As soon as I mustered up enough energy I got up and began to stumble out of the warehouse. The whole warehouse was a maze and it took a long time to get out of it.

When I got out it was the next morning and I was met with 4 black Tahoe cars in front of me. The men were out of the cars and putting on bulletproof vests and grabbing guns. They all turned to me when they heard the door slam behind me.

"Alessandra!" I fell to my knees as I couldn't walk any further and my vision became spotted. The last thing I saw was Rocco's face with fear written all over it.

As I regained consciousness I could hear a beeping sound and people talking and somebody crying, my mother. I tried to open my eyes and little by little they began to open. I tried to speak but my throat was so dry and something was down my throat.

I began to panic and looked around the room to see my parents along with Rocco, his parents, and Mozzie.

"She's awake, someone get the doctor." I heard Rocco yell. "It's ok princess, don't panic you're safe. You're in a hospital." I nodded and began to relax. A few seconds later the doctor came in and removed the intubation tube and handed me a glass of water.

"W-what happened?" At this point, everyone was around my bed staring at me.

"Scimmia, you were shot. Someone kidnapped you and you had almost escaped but he shot you before you could kill him." I shook my head violently.

"No, no, I remember I got him with a knife." Rocco sighed beside me and looked at me with sad eyes. "You saved me, you found me, you were there when I got out of the warehouse. Thank you." I said reaching for Rocco's hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"Of course amore, I would do anything for you." I gave Rocco a slight smile then turned to Mozzie.

He looked at me apologetically, I could tell he thought this whole thing was his fault.

"I'm so sorry baby, I got pulled away by some man then knocked out. As soon as I woke up I called your dad and told him that I thought something happened to you."

"It's ok Moz, you have nothing to be sorry for, you could've done anything. I'm fine, see just a really cool bullet wound and a rad story." Everyone chuckled in the room except my father. "Dad? Are you ok?" He shook his head and rubbed his face violently.

"This is my fault I knew something bad was going to come of you taking over. I should've known better, now look at you, you were in a coma for almost a month." My eyes widened to the size of bowling balls.

"A month, lord. But it's over I'm fine and here. I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon." I gave everyone a reassuring smile and they all visibly relaxed.

After a little while, the doctor came back in and explained what surgery I had and all of that. And that I was free to go home within the next few days. I spent the rest of the day talking to my family about who kidnapped me and they explained to me that it was a Russian man named Ivank Kilovr. He and his mafia have always held a grudge against us and when he saw me out and about with no security he took his chance and pounced.

They also explained that he got away and he was long gone when they got a chance to go back to the warehouse to check for him.

Fucking Russian people.

xo anna

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