Chapter 2: I hate shopping!

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Dedicated to the other person who inspired me to write this :') Thank you soooo much for being able to get me back into writing <3

I walked onto the porch and heard his car speeding out of the yard. I turned around to make sure he was gone and started screaming. Cha looked out from the window.

“Marley! Thank God! I thought there was a dying cat or something!” She yelled and disappeared from the window. Moments later the door opened and Cha jumped on me, causing me to lose balance and almost fall down the stairs on my head.

“Mi-Cha! Hey!” I pushed her off of me and laughed when she kicked the leg of a table knocking out a few vases on it. “Thanks for picking me up at the airport, by the way.” I smiled scornfully.

“Well why didn’t you call?” She took out some plain sugar and started eating it. Oh dear… Now, we’ll have the hyper Cha… Not that she’s not hyper in general…

“Oh yeah, call! That would be great if I didn’t drop my phone in the river!” I remembered that I don’t have my phone and started freaking out… My feet were starting to hurt from the kneeling, so I sat on the edge of the stairs and extended my legs. Mi-Cha – She was such a copy cat – did the same thing.

“Seriously? How the hell do you manage to throw a phone in the river if there are no rivers near the airport?!” She screamed at me. I hid my face in my hands and started laughing like a freak.

“I walked about two miles to nowhere, when I remembered that I can call you…” I said when I managed to calm down a bit. “Then I tripped on air and threw my phone in the water…” I jumped when Cha started laughing. I looked away embarrassed, but then she hit me in the head so hard, I almost fell of the stairs.

“You idiot.” She screamed, if people in Florida didn’t hear her scream, something is definitely wrong with their ears. “Oh my God, I’m dying!” She waved her arms around and spilled sugar everywhere. “Oh poo…” She pouted. “Now I have nothing to eat.” She looked at me with sad do-you-have-any-sugar eyes.

“I think that’s a good thing, because sugar and you… Let’s just say you remind me of Nyan cat.” I laughed again staring at her vigorously trying to wipe off all of the sugar. Her pink nails were shiny as hell. Honestly, I’ve never seen her nails with a different color. It feels like it’s her natural nail color. She fixed all of her jewellery and fixed her puffy skirt. I hate skirts, but that skirt was just so cute! I will steal it while she’s sleeping.

“Now that is just being mean, even if I love Nyan kitty!” She screamed again. I know I was hyper, but she just outdid the hyper scale… “So how did you get here without your phone?” she looked at me with an unreadable pedo expression. I bet she was thinking whether I found a guy I randomly raped…

“Well you were wrong. Not all Koreans speak English and I wasted about two hours of making myself seem lame in front of what seems to be one of your friends? His name is either Me Gusta, Bob or Yoon. I’m still not sure if he didn’t lie. I was a victim of bullying for the first time.” I jumped when I heard Cha’s laugh again. Her laugh reminded me of a dolphin, except it was at least a thousand times louder.

“Yoon? Yoon Kang? Oh my God you are so insanely lucky!” She screamed and hugged me. If my ears aren’t traumatized yet, then something is seriously wrong with me. “What did he say?! What happened?!” She attacked me with questions.

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